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Do distributed/remote teams use Miro as a knowledge centre? I simply wish to store somewhat unorganised notes from Slack somewhere. It would be cool to add visual stuff and keep them tidy in one place. Do you believe it would be a smart idea to use Miro as an all-in-one silo for all company knowledge and processes, and notes.

As a founder of a young startup I try to keep the budget lean. It would be great if we could avoid paying extra for tools like Notion or Confluence.

Please share your thoughts.

What a great question! 

I'm a product manager at Miro working on the knowledge management area of the product. I would love to hear your experience connected to using Miro as a knowledge base and discuss any ideas related to the topic. 

Hi Anton, this fully depends on the ability to search through boards’ text layers. Would a board appear in my search results if I search for a word that’s mentioned on some of the text objects within?

Hi Stas, we released some significant improvements in Search a couple of weeks ago. You can read more in the article

All Miro users can now search boards by metadata like title, description, owner, and location. Enterprise plan users can also search through all text data on the boards, plus use the cross-team search within the whole organization. 

Have you had a chance to try out the updated Search?

Thanks Anton. Seems like this won’t work for me, a non-enterprise customer.

I would love to talk to you and learn more about your use cases. I will DM you.

Sure, let’s chat. I think it could be _really_ useful if we had content search available. Notion and similar systems get pricey when you get the whole team on it.

I haven’t tried to do this yet.  I’m a new user.  I have a lot of material on a confluence that is cumbersome to go through.  Of course part of that is due to how the confluence space is set up.  But miro is so fast and easy, I would love to move more material into it if practical.  Will follow this knowledge base discussion for now.  Thanks.

@Stas Kulesh Even if you’re not on the Enterprise Plan, you actually can do a board-level search and that’ll highlight any text, comments, sticky notes, etc. that match the search query. So if you have a knowledge base that exists on a single board, it could still work for you! Check this out:


What @Anton Telitsyn is referring to is doing a higher-level search on the dashboard  across all your boards in various different teams. But it depends on how you envision structuring your knowledge base. 

Thanks, Melissa, that _could_ work. But I almost certain that in a month or so this board will become a megaboard that would eat up all my RAM :) and would be difficult to operate. Cross-board search and board-based structure is what I had in mind.

I haven’t tried to do this yet.  I’m a new user.  I have a lot of material on a confluence that is cumbersome to go through.  Of course part of that is due to how the confluence space is set up.  But miro is so fast and easy, I would love to move more material into it if practical.  Will follow this knowledge base discussion for now.  Thanks.

@Scott B are you available for a call? I would like to learn more about your needs in terms of knowledge management to think about how Miro can help you better solve your tasks.

Hey Stas,

If budget is a concern I’d have a look at taskade. I think it would work for your use case until you get up and going.

Hope this helps


Hi Stas, we released some significant improvements in Search a couple of weeks ago. You can read more in the article

All Miro users can now search boards by metadata like title, description, owner, and location. Enterprise plan users can also search through all text data on the boards, plus use the cross-team search within the whole organization. 

Have you had a chance to try out the updated Search?

Is there any chance that non-enterprise users would be able to search through all text data? 

This is a brilliant idea. @Stas Kulesh  Visual Knowledge Base would make learning so much more enjoyable and retention would be higher too.

I have created a knowledge base for a company using HelpScout. It’s a wonderful product itself, but that’s beside point for now.

I certainly think it is possible to create a Visual Knowledge Base using Miro.
I am just gonna list out what we can do.

  • Use the miro board embed in your support page of the website. You can create a dedicated board for each specific task or create one board for the entire knowledge base.
  • Using various shapes, text, connection lines, pen tools you can create the content for the actual knowledge base.
  • Putting this content inside frames will allow your users to enter in “presentation mode”.
  • Use set starting view inside the board to make sure the user lands on the “Main navigation” zone, from where users can navigate to the information they are seeking.
  • Use internal linking to implement “Navigation” around the board. This will prove a crucial factor in the success of KB if the navigation is done correctly.
  • You can use Mind map to build a “Navigation zone” by categorizing information and linking a specific node of mindmap to the respective frame available somewhere else on the board.
  • ETC.

Visual Knowledge Base gives you unlimited freedom to express your knowledge and miro allows you to put ideas, information with extreme versatility. 🤯

If you do create a Visual Knowledge Base, I would love to take a ride through the journey.

PS:- It would be super awesome if the user can comment on an embedded board in support website, and mention one of the customer support executives, they can resolve and doubts right there in the board and also update the board with new information. @Melissa Halim @Anton Telitsyn 

Hi @Yash. I think you have brought another brilliant idea 🙂 The conversation above was mostly about an internal knowledge base that is used within an organization. You are speaking about something which can be used to communicate with external users. It is an interesting case.

What is the company/service you are working for? How do you use HelpScout now?

Heya @Anton Telitsyn. 😀

Yes, I was aware that conversation initially was about internal Knowledge Base.

Knowledge Base is essentially a place to impart knowledge. Yes, we structure knowledge base depending on who it is intended for i.e external users, customers, employees, students, peers, etc.

In the case of internal Visual Knowledge Base, we just need to ensure that the board doesn’t get embedded on public sites. 

About your question, I am not currently working. I developed the Knowledge Base for the as a part of my summer internship. Link to the Knowledge Base if you are interested.
As for how did I use HelpScout, I am not sure about what to say.

Feel free to ask me something specific. (DM is alright, too)

Thanks @Yash for the clarifications! I’ll look at your example.

The cross board text search only being on enterprise plan is quite prohibitive. Innovative start ups and scale-ups are not going to be on that plan and if means we can’t use Miro for work that creates re-usable without it being siloed and opaque, unless we wrap it and tag in another container or some other technique. 
