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Hi Miro Community,


My name is Manouska and I am the Community Forum Lead at Miro! Happy to be here with you and have a chance to create this space for all Miro users to connect, collaborate, co-create and share knowledge with each other!

Take a moment to introduce yourself to the rest of the community. Feel free to follow this template if you’re not sure where to begin: 

  • Introduction template:    
    • 🎤  Name (pronouns optional)
    • 📍  Location
    • 💻  Organization + Role 
    • 💛  Areas of Expertise (ie. Product Management, Agile, Design, etc) 
    • 🎨  Interesting Fact About You


Want to know what’s new in Miro? Register for Canvas ‘24 on October 8th! This is our biggest moment of the year to see how Miro is getting a serious upgrade 🚀


We can’t wait to get to know you all better and see you create the next big thing in this Miro Community!

I’m Guilherme, best known by the fantasy name Calena. I’m a 2D Digital Artist from Brazil. I do illustrations, comics, concept art, and lots of other things... I’m using Miro to help me develop a proper brainstorm and storyboard for upcoming comic projects: I hope it helps me to organize all my ideas and to create solid concepts in one place. I already tested other apps and softwares, however, Miro seems to be the best one so far: Easy to use, very intuitive, with tons of options, I’m really loving it like no other program.

It’s nice to meet you all, and, maybe, I will get along to share some new ideas with the community too.

Hey, Mirofolk, love what you’ve done with the place! I’m Phil Wolff, with Wider.Team, an Identity of Things consultancy, all remote for the last year and a half. We use zoom, notion, google/microsoft office, and new stuff each week. Miro mostly for mindmapping. Confab ergo sum, I meet, therefore I am. 

Miro’s product people are pretty great at keeping focus (#productpeoplerock). A few dramatic changes may lie ahead in 2021. I posted If This Then Miro. Deeper Density. and Vasting Up. Hope you find it useful. Reach out if you care to chat about it.  

My LinkedIn and twitter. I live in the US just south of Vancouver, BC. I volunteer at our local senior center, read about 70 novels a year, and am always learning piano. 


Hello everyone,

my name is Tomas and I work in the largest kitchen manufacture in europe. I live and work in Germany. I did an apprenticeship as an IT specialist. Now I work as a system administrator in the IT department and administrate the Atlassian products and recently also the miro.

I currently use Miro a lot in different meetings because of COVID. In meetings it is always the tool that everyone enjoys and is impressed by.

In meetings it is always the tool that everyone enjoys and is impressed by.

Hi @Jokabu2  Tomas,


if you like:

Join us on the German-User-miro-board here and place your content inside:


Hi All, I’m Mary, in the mountains of North Carolina. I’m an artist/maker and a mythologist, and a teacher/facilitator. I lead groups in creative projects in which we explore archetypal themes while making stuff. Online teaching is new to me this year, but something I plan to continue. Miro is & will be super useful for my groups for sharing images and ideas. Being able to do so in an organic, collage-y, non-linear way is really important to my work, and I’m excited to get to know Miro. Looking forward to learning/sharing with you all!

My website:

and LinkedIn:

Hello everyone! I am Vincent, a freelance art director and producer who runs three small companies experimenting with various aspects of creative marketing and IP building, predominantly in the video games and app industry. 

I am also an avid DnD Dungeon Master who joined here with the express goal of promoting Miro as the next DnD playing tool.

Professionally, I use Miro in the following ways:

Atelier Vincent De Nil - Creative consulting with business clients
Kaiser Cat Cinema - moodboarding and planning out content and stories for our original animated shows
Flagmaker & Print - managing app development with out developing partners


Greetings to all. After a successful, 40-year career as a software consultant designing and developing business applications, I retired as a coach for retirees who want to find joy, make friends, and keep up.


Ed Zinkiewicz

While there are many retirement experts who focus on finances, I focus on the person. What gives you joy, keeps you engaged, and helps you meet the challenges of aging. 

I’m working on a collaborative project with a retirement financial expert. We’re looking forward to using Miro to develop and present our ideas.

We’re a few days in and so far the possibilities look promising.

Ed Zinkiewicz,

...the retired guy

Hi everyone! 

Some of you may know me already (hello!), I’m Susan and I’m a Customer Success Manager at Miro, based out of the LA hub.  Fun fact about me: I grew up in Melbourne, Australia, spent my early 20s in Osaka Japan and I’ve been in America since 2003, but I still have my Australian accent. :koala: 

I really love using Miro because it’s intuitive, powerful and allows everyone equality on a board. You may not believe it but I am an introvert and meetings can be painful, but with Miro I can simply add my sticky notes and have my voice heard. 

One of the best things about being a CSM at Miro is learning about the new and interesting ways that our Community is using the platform. It’s seriously amazing and inspiring.

Let’s connect here or on LinkedIn.





Hi everyone!

My name is Dionei Piazza and I am an Agile Coach at Movidesk here in Brazil. We are a startup with a SaaS helpdesk solution.

I am here to learn and share experiences and knowledge!

Let’s rock 🤘


Hi everyone, my name’s Sean.

I currently studying MSc Music, Mind and Brain in London. 

My research is looking into the effect tactile bass has on movement.

I also teach music performance skills.

Having tried note-taking and flashcards, neither of which clicked for me, I’m very excited to use Miro to help get an instant overview of dense topics. 

I think that once I make a mindmap of core principles within a topic, I can then make miro cards going into more depth. From there, anything I keep forgetting, I’ll make an Anki flashcard for it.

That way I don’t have to trudge through hundreds of redundant Anki cards each night. 

Lovely to be here and look forward to being part of this growing community! 



I’m Jason Larkin
and I am a facillitator and team member of several teams formed from:

I really enjoy miro, it’s a very useful tool in the context of both entities above. 




My name is Chris and I am a team coach based in Zurich, Switzerland.  Miro has been a fabulous tool in workshops where some people are in the room and others are connecting virtually.  It has also increased efficiency during the workshop because we can contribute to the board and review content asynchronously and arrive to the workshop already a step ahead.

While I have only just started using Miro, I am looking forward to exploring further and learning more about it.



Hello everyone!

My name is Sharon. My background is in mental health, and I’m interested in the mental health start up space. I am one of the user leaders for the New York City chapter. I first got introduced to Miro through my online product community and love the variety of collaboration tools on this platform. Also, I’m a fan of sticky notes!


Our NYC chapter will be launching soon. Please feel free to reach out to me about any topics you’d like us to consider for future events!

Hello from Dubai!


My name is Mishal and I’ve recently discovered Miro when I was exploring different tools to be able to deliver design thinking workshops. I am a certified chartered accountant (prefer not to advertise that too loudly) but haven’t been doing anything that a traditional accountant does over the last year.


I help individuals, teams and organisation change behaviour - in other words, help them revolutionise the way they work by using technology as an enabler.


I’ve been championing Miro because of the value it brings and am thrilled to be part of this community!

Hi Im Jonas

A game designer at Bezzerwizzer studio. I use Miro to test and play games remote. 

Hello my new friends!

My names is Ethan and I am the Collaboration Manager for a 50k+ person company that unfortunately can’t use Miro because of the Cloud, but I am also the Executive Director of a small non-profit (Northeast Regional Folk Alliance) and owner of my own production company (Tribal Mischief) and have fell into the Miro-blackhole and I LOVE it.  So much functionality and working with groups Collaboratively.  Honestly, why did it take so long for me to find this!?!?

Hello, My name is Natalie.

Born in USSR, Transitioned from a software engineer into a product manager in USA.

I co-lead DC Miro User group ( and love it! Finally, I can connect with digital folks by using a digital collective mind - Miro!

I appreciate the support from the Miro marketing team and the freedom they provide to explore the various topics in the community - from COVID disruption and social justice to Lean UX coffee chat and product management.


Hi Marina and Miro user community!

Stoked to be here learning with you all and getting the most out of Miro as the world becomes even more remote working-based than we were 12 months ago! :thinking::smile:

I’m a Snr CX Specialist in Vic, Australia, and have spent some time teaching Design Thinking/HCD at University. Relatively recent Miro adopter myself (last 6 months), but absolutely loving it.

@marina I would love to see the Object Transformation options lifted in Miro soon, as I’m encountering a few limitations to my practice. Specifically I would second what @Robert Johnson said in this post], as I would love to be able to flip, mirror, etc. objects. (Could be a pretty straightforward fix on the back end?)



My name is Tarcila and I´m just arrived to the MIRO Community 🙂 I´m so happy to be part as well as I´m a Latin America member. I´m the founder of Remote Workers Latam, the first latin america community for people who are exploring a new way of life and work. I´m also an expert in Digital and Cultural Transformation.  You can explore more about me on
I´m looking forward to start to keep on movin the region on the use of MIRO :)

Here´s a pic from part of the Remote Workers Latam!



Hi ! I’m Marketing Manager in a company that creates mobility apps for travelers and governement in Europe and North America. I wish to create amazing experience of co work with our clients so… let’s start 🙂 I’m new and will probably search for advices … Have a nice day, Best, Carole

Hello Everyone - I have just joined the community, very excited about finding inspirations here and sharing my thoughts with you :grinning:

I come from Poland and work as a Scrum Master. I am also interested in product management, and I see my future path there (so will be more than happy to connect with Product Owners and Managers in this group :wink: ). 

I use Miro daily and actually cannot imagine my work with it in this remote set up with my teams.



Good morning, Miro community!

I’m excited to be part of the Miro community. I have over 20 years of training experience, primarily in leadership and organizational development. I look forward to being part of a community of talented individuals and innovators here in the Miro community. I look forward to sharing ideas, collaborating, and building connections. 

I’m located in the Austin area (Texas) and have 2 incredible daughters (ages 13 & 16). We aim to be avid learners and always strive to have fun in whatever we do. Our mantra is, “if you’re not having fun, you’re not doing it right.” 

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn.



Hi I’m Joshua, a conversation architect based in Hong Kong, and along with @Isman Tanuri helping support the APAC VMUG group. :)

I was born on a Hawaiian volcano, and have spent the last 20 years chasing curiosity and working internationally, with the last 15 based in Asia. I head up Knowmium, training both non-profits and Fortune 100s worldwide in persuasive communications. I’m also the author of Radically Remote (a guide to engaging virtual facilitating). Yay?  In my spare time, I enjoy running (slowly) on Hong Kong’s trails, photography (less slowly), and reading more books than all the time left in the universe will allow.

Hi everyone! 👋
I’m Sabrina and I work as the Head of User Experience for Mammalz, a community-based live streaming platform for all things nature based in San Diego, California! I found Miro when looking for tools to use as we grow our UX/UI department. So far Miro has helped so much with remote/quarantine design sprints and I’m super excited to see how we can utilize Miro company-wide. Happy to be part of the Miro community! 

My dog Copper and I hiking in SD (before quarantine) :) 

Hi All, happy holidays. My Name is Noemi. I am Proxy Product Owner and I want to prepare some online workshops and be a facilitator to product designs sessions. 
I enjoy learning and I hope this is only the beginning of new challenges. I am new with Miro, so I hope I can learn a lot in this community. 

