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I am an electronic literature writer, which means that our works rely on a digital element like navigation, links, images, sounds etc. as an intrinsic part of the meaning and reading experience. In other words, you can not print it out--just like Miro!! I am teaching a class on Digital Storytelling at the Washington State University at Vancouver, and my students are using Miro to create a class story. I walked in the first day with a bunch of red helium balloons, talked to the balloons (named WinSton) and we developed a story from there. It now involves evil twins, aliens, and investigators…. 

This is my first time using Miro, so I did bite off a huge chunk!

Userlevel 1

Hey there! I’m Alex, founder of I’m here to introduce our recent release--AI grammar checker and rewriter for Miro:

It is an add-in that helps you to write better in six languages (English, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, Polish). Check grammar, rephrase sentences, and analyze your content quality score right within Miro.

Any feedback is appreciated. Dm me or email at

Hi everyone, Anserae here!  I am excited to join everyone on Miro.  Currently I manage a salon, bartender,  and am transitioning into UX/UI.  I have only used Miro once and am excited to gain more knowledge and experience from and with the community!  I am ready to grow one design at a time!

Hi, I’m Tyler - I’m an EOS Implementer using Miro to work with Remote Teams. Learn more about me at and 

Hello Miro community. It’s great being here!

I’m Antonis, owner of Strategic Business & Growth Partnerships.

My main focus is on influential writing, and I collaborate with brands that value respect, speed, and passion.

Miro has helped me across all departments, and I’m also happy to be here with you lot.

Can’t wait to meet you all in the events. 

Userlevel 1

@mlanders :

Danke Michael, happy to be here!

Ich schaue gleich, ob ich eine Antwort auf eine brennende Frage finde.

Beste Grüße


Userlevel 1
  • Introduction template:    
    • 🎤  Name Jared Wright
    • 📍  California
    • 💻  No code developer - business owner 
    • 💛  Small business infrastructure
    • 🎨  I am a mathematics Teacher
Userlevel 1

Hi everyone! 

My name is Robert Skrobe, and I’m the owner/operator of Dallas Design Sprints here in Texas.  My focus is on virtual design sprinting, process improvement and professional development.  I’m also the organizer of the Global Virtual Design Sprint and the manager of the (Design Sprint) Referral Network.

I am not well versed in Miro, but I plan on getting more acquainted with it in a run-up to the GVDS in May.  

Fun fact about me:  I host a podcast with my son about Roblox that gets 5x the amount of traffic and interest than my business podcast.  It’s called Alden’s Amazing Roblox Review and we have a lot of fun making it.

If y’all are into networking, you can find me on LinkedIn:

Looking forward to meeting y’all, and hope you have a good rest of the week. :)

FYI:  The pic is of me and my son at Disney World.  He asked me to ride a water ride 16 times (I counted) because the lines were so short (it was also 60 degrees outside… he didn’t care much). 🤪



@Robert Skrobe Hey Rob,

What an awesome idea and concept to do a Roblox podcast with your son, I have a daughter that’s also heavily into Roblox.

Nice to meet you.

Hey everyone! 

I’m very happy to be part of this community, I love use Miro. And hope to contribute with you.

Hello from the Great Lakes.  Looking forward to learning from colleagues in MIRO community.


Hi Miro Heroes! :wave_tone2:

My name is Marina and I am a Community Manager at Miro. Happy to be here with you and have a chance to create this space for all Miro users to connect, collaborate, co-create and share knowledge with each other :handshake_tone2: 

It will be cool if you introduce yourself here in the thread - share where you work, live, your role, and how you use Miro (share your bigger Miro story here).

Feel free to add any other interesting information or even a fun picture with your pet :wink: This is the best way for all of us to get to know one another!


Realtime Board was part of my software stack not long after rebranding to Miro and releasing SDKs and APIs. I’ve utilized Miro with 1000s of team members, customers, and partners. As a passionate fan of Miro, I am particularly excited about empowering cross-functional teams to innovate, utilizing my expertise in human-centered product development, agile, and change management principles to realize tangible business value from their visual workspace. I'll share a link to a number of videos explaining how I’ve used Miro to co-create innovation and growth strategies throughout my career:

Recently a Salesforce, I developed workflows in Miro to help enterprise sales and customer success teams deliver compelling executive presentations, workshops, and tangible artifacts. As a three-time entrepreneur and an insatiable learner, I’m excited to be part of the Miro community. I look forward to sharing with you and learning from you.

Hello Everyone!

I'm a social media strategist from United States, and I specialize in enhancing social media and services for individuals and companies using online tools. I'm a big fan of Miro, using it to organize my thoughts and now introducing it to my clients.

Hi, I'm Aaron Levin, the Founder & CEO at I'm passionate 🤗 about revolutionizing the way people approach herbal wellness in their daily lives. 👉 I’m writing and designing while learning marketing. 🌳 I provide a Sustainability Data-Driven Shift Guidance 💡 for businesses and entrepreneurs With a dedicated team, we aim to provide high-quality content, services, Eco-friendly products and personalized guidance to empower individuals on their wellness and sustainability journey. 🙏

✅ This images was generated with Miro AI Assistant:

Beautiful isn’t it? and it’s impossible to repeat in 100%. It’s so unique.

Hey the Miro Community!


Julien from LANE Digital Consulting, representing Switzerland 🇨🇭

As a digital transformation and marketing agency we use Miro for all our internal and external activities.
We also recommend the solution to our customers for brainstorming and BPMN creation.
Miro is our daily ally to collaborate and communicate ideas efficiently.
We also created a Miro workshop template to onboard new users and present them with all the functionalities of the tool!


Feel free to reach out to talk processes, BPMN or something else where we could bring value!



Hej Hej all!

I’m Alireza.

A Game/Gamification/Behavior designer.

Currently living in Stockholm, Sweden.

Working in a Swedish company as Game Economy and Balance Designer.

When I’m not on the job, usually work as a freelance Designer/Consultant on Human Behavior.


Hi Marina and Miro Heros,

My name is Bob Skertic. I am a Professor at Defense Acquisition University (DAU). We use Miro to show our students an example of a collaboration tool. 

Looks like you have an awesome world-wide community of passionate nice!

I am not using Miro very much due to my other tasks but need some help.

We are currently creating training in Coursera that includes old versions of Miro.

We are using a video from an old version of Miro; It has a God's eye View in the bottom right--what happened to that view? Is there a replacement view?



Hello, I'm Nati from Buenos Aires, Argentina (proud World Champions 😉). I currently serve as a Scrum Master at a bank, a role I transitioned into six months ago. Prior to this, I spent seven years as a Functional Analyst/BA. I'm thrilled with this new opportunity and eager to absorb as much knowledge as I can! 😚

Outside of work, I'm passionate about traveling, immersing myself in nature, and scaling mountains. I'm also deeply committed to staying abreast of new technologies and continuously expanding my skill set.


Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hi everyone,

I am Michael. Since the 1990th i am a passionate MindMapper who loves to work graphic-oriented and loves everything wich helps to simplify complicated things.

Last year i discovered miro: 

A colleague asked me if i can join her online consulting to test her system.

It was a good web-based consulting system, but it has a lot of not so good things:

  • It was in a graphical way based on a 1990th design
  • It was not enough customizable for consulting and coaching needs
  • It should offers something template made wich can easyli shown up for individual consulting settings
  • It should have pictures in it (i love to work with pictures) and i want not to buy a lot of pictures for the whole settings

So i searched a whole 4 days and i found miro.

I started my free-account and hey:

Over 200.000 best quality pictures


The ability to drag documents

Arrows to connect something


And whooohoooohooo: Stickies

Even in the free account a lot to offer … but then:

The consultant account:
I was able to set my own templates - each one for different coaching / consulting settings.

So - in my job i work as a socialworker who supports people with different problems.

From time to time i work with clients in miro.
I love the work in it.
It gives me so much flexibility and i look forward to the miro future, what rich featurers are coming to us.

All i want to say is:

Thank you for a perfect product, wich offers and gives me so much.


Hello Miro Community,


My name is Logan Grime, and I’m a freelance Full-Stack Software Engineer. I live in Toledo, Ohio, United States of America, and I love Backend Development the most. I use Miro to organize many of my collaboration sessions with others.


Thanks for having me,

Logan Grime

Hi I am Roger Wallberg, I live in nothern Europe, Sweden, I currenty works as a business Analyst / Solution Architet in an pension insurance company. I relatively recently discovered Miro, and love what it it can do, of cource there is always some room for improvment give my specific needs ;)

Whe doing what I do, I allways put information in the core as it is the center of everything we do, talk about, communicate… develop etc…and now having found Miro as a super naice tool to improve collaboration to increase our common understanding of what information and concepts are in the core of our business - i would LOVE to have the ability to work with laysers in Miro to be able to freely control the visibility och any abject, link, note etc within a board/frame… this would immensly support crisp communication given in any givan situation - please help me make Miro developemtn team see the importance of and the usefulness of the super feature called  => Layers ;)

(Visible - dimmed - hidden) Three toggle modes the improve communication of the contents !


:) Roger

Userlevel 1


As we do have several serious games planned i am testing/investigating the Miro API to see if its possible to create more gamelike interactions. Although only making first babysteps it seems that it is possible with either the API or the Webplugins. 

Userlevel 1

Hey @Pau Todó, great question! I want to share a part of the blog post on our rebranding:

So, how did we land on Miro as our new name? Our main source of inspiration came from the Spanish painter and sculptor Joan Miró. His work was iconoclastic. It fundamentally challenged the status quo, existing beliefs and norms, and ultimately pushed people out of their comfort zone. Not only are we inspired by these ideals, but we felt that his surrealist and abstract style aligned with how people and teams use our platform, where every board is unique, ideas are expressed brilliantly through different colors and shapes, and how it has become a place where people express themselves and their ideas in very meaningful ways.

We also saw a thematic alignment with the changing world of work and his challenging nature. By moving away from a traditional style, Miró introduced a new way of understanding the world. We are disrupting the way people work, how they collaborate, and even how they interact with the world around them. We enable teams to do things differently, unlocking a lot of human potential along the way.

Of course, Miró’s work is known for being colorful and abstract. We saw an opportunity to build a brand that is full of colorful visuals and lets us explore the subjectivity of communication, collaboration and understanding. Different roles and teams speak different “languages” – and we aim to dissolve that challenge by creating a space where understanding and work can happen, and where a new unified, and unique visual language can be created and understood by everyone.

Aside from the direct inspiration of the artist, the word “Miro” has other interesting associations: the connotations of “mirror”, “look”, and “watch” can speak to the reflection, consideration, and visual aspect of what we do to help teams bring their ideas to life.

Miro also comes from the Slavic root word “mir,” meaning “peace, world.” For us, this is a nod to our company’s origin. It’s also symbolic of our ability to connect teams across the world and speaks to the peace of mind they get working together effectively.


More here - 


Cool! Many thanks for sharing this - I was totally unaware of this. Tweeted! :P


Hi there. I’m Jon from Los Angeles. I lead Salesforce projects and use Miro to collaborate and accelerate clarity for data models, decision trees, and other swim-lane diagrams.

Hello, I am Onose Ogaga from Nigeria, I want to know what to do to start the Miro community in my country, Nigeria. Thank you.

Hello @mlanders, I am Onose ogaga, I am the founder of WittyHub in Effurun, Nigeria and I am a tech promoter in my country too. Well for the records, am new to Miro but I see it as a platform that will aid corporate remote collaboration, I got to know about Miro via searching online and since there Miro has no community in my country, I felt I should take it upon myself to start it in Nigeria for us to learn more and grow a community around it. So if there is any support you or Miro can give, please do let’s get it rolling in my country Nigeria. Thank you
