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Hello out there! 

As we wind down 2021 and look forward to’s a quick virtual message from our team to you and yours. So many Mironeers (internal Miro staffers) were eager to spread the joy to you, we couldn’t resist! 


A great, big THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed so passionately throughout the years to the strength of the Miro Community. It is the people that make Miro so incredibly special, and this community (and you, yes you!) are taken incredibly seriously as we consider our plans for the future. 

Having just joined in June 2021, it has been my absolute honor to see what is possible because of all of you. I appreciate every message, phone call, workshop, session as we co-create this community together. It’s sounds cliche, but we really are at the beginning -- and I am over-the-moon excited about the future. 


🎁 A few of my favorite community-inspired things from the past year 🎁 

(it was hard to narrow it down!

Phew, the days are long but the years are short -- and as a Community, not only did we have fun, connect, learn, inspire and enjoy, but we made a real impact. Because of you and your collaborative powers, people learned to solve big problems together, built new things, picked up new skills, and inspired new ways of thinking. The infinite canvas is built by Miro, but the sparks for all that happens...that is you.  


Ready to step up? If you are interested in playing a bigger part in the Miro Community as we co-create the future of collaboration, you are in for a treat. The door is open and we are so excited to build in 2022 and beyond! 🚀 Learn more here...


What are you looking forward to next year with the Miro Community? What should we do together? What were your favorite moments in Miro this year?

We’re always listening and are so proud to build this community alongside you.


Cheers across the board, 

Colleen & The Miro Community Team

Great compilation @Colleen Curtis and wonderful to see all the usual familiar faces!

Happy holidays to all the Mironeers who work hard to give us a platform which we can rave, rant and relish!


Great compilation @Colleen Curtis and wonderful to see all the usual familiar faces!

Happy holidays to all the Mironeers who work hard to give us a platform which we can rave, rant and relish!




Raving, ranting, relishing -- FTW! 

Thanks for all you do to make this place special @Kiron Bondale! It was such a joy to meet you this year. 

Also, I won’t lie this Miro love letter from @Rachel made my year. :love_letter:

Ok, last one from me -- I can’t help myself! 

A personal joy for me was reading Extended Mind together, which truly...blew my mind (pun intended). Coming together with all of you and the author of the book was a moment of inspiration I had not anticipated, and I learned so much in the process.

Also, I won’t lie this Miro love letter from @Rachel made my year. :love_letter:

Aw thank you @Colleen Curtis! It was so fun to write and every word is true! :grinning:

It’s been so amazing being part of this community in 2021 and I can’t wait for next year! 


:heart_eyes: Running a Miro Board Improv Session at Miro Distributed 2021! I think at one point @Jonathan White and I had 250 participants in the room! 

:sunglasses: Learning more about Miro Heroes and getting a jump start in the community for next year. 

:bulb: Getting new clients interested in creating Miro learning experiences and helping them do that! 

:computer: Writing my own little love letter to Miro about why it has my heart ❤️ 



:raised_hands: Even more Miro Board Improv Sessions—Keep an eye out for one in February through the Miro Community! (Accepting theme ideas now, Maybe Cats vs Dogs!) 

:hearts: More friendships and collaborations with my fellow Miro nerds. 

:pencil2: Writing more (look for more things about Miro!)

:fingers_crossed: Submitting some templates to the Miroverse!

The biggest highlight for me is the opportunity that Miro Hero provides, specifically in connecting and collaborating not just with other power users but with inherently visual thinkers across sectors and the globe. Most excited for the promise this program holds for 2022, to ideate and innovate.

Distributed was a highlight as well, as it’s been in years past. Thanks again to the whole Miro team for another terrific year. The platform remains a bastion of clarity and opportunity amidst the tumult of time.

It is constantly a highlight to see the Miro Community grow and improve, with many of the same faces continuing to lead the charge, and new faces bring new ideas, fresh energy, and a willingness to learn.

Distributed this year was definitely one of my highlights, as the amazingly talented @Rachel already mentioned. That has been the most people on a Miro board that I have ever personally seen, and I still get goosebumps to watch the replay and see when everyone was sending the reactions up the screen. What a rush!

My application to become a Miro Expert was approved, and my profile page is in the works and should be up early next year. Pretty cool!

Also, I have been very fortunate to turn my passion for Miro into revenue by helping clients create Miro experiences all over the globe. Last year, my work was 99% based in Canada, and this year I got to reach Australia, Dubai, Germany, Spain, UK, and the US. I hope to reach double that number of countries next year, and I attribute a large part of this success to the constant inspiration I find here with you all :)

Here’s hoping for a successful 2022 for everyone!


@Kyle Chipman & @Jonathan White it’s a true testament to this community that both of you are still such an incredible part of it. Thanks for being amazing. Loved reading these posts! 


P.S. @Jonathan White I re-watched that recording and also get goosebumps -- gummy bears really get the party started! (For those that didn’t see it, here it is! 


Great to see the community grow. Over the last year I’ve learned a few things, and hope I’ve been able to bestow some wisdom of MIRO on others. Happy Holidays all!

Oh what a year! :heart_eyes:

So many amazing things happened in 2021:

  • we celebrated 1-year anniversaries of this community forum and Miroverse :tada:
  • launched Miro community newsletter
  • had 9 fantastic Baking Beautiful Boards sessions at Distributed 2021 (and so many more community events :revolving_hearts: )
  • our moderators @Robert Johnson and @Kiron Bondale are KILLING it! :muscle_tone2:
  • @Colleen Curtis@Alexis Luscutoff, and @Helena Brandist joined me and @Natalie Larino, and we are now a TEAM!
  • and moooore :sparkles:


What am I looking forward to next year? Well, I want to finally meet our community in person :pray_tone2:  (as well as the Miro Community Team get-together!)

Merry Christmas and Happy Hew Year, Miro Community, and everyone who reads this message :christmas_tree:

Love and best wishes,

Marina :heart:

Looking forward using the app in the coming year! Please bring back double click to create a new note though (or add it as an option). I am devastated to see it removed.

Discovered Miro this year and I’m loving it. But recently having issues with it due to the white backgrounds as it creates a lot of eye strain for me. I really hope Miro will be bringing Dark Mode in 2022.

Happy new year, all! It has been such a joy to get to know you and grow this already fantastic community. ❤️

My top 3 from 2021:

  • Joining the community team at Miro!
  • Seeing the incredible content you all put together at Distributed. I was blown away!
  • Launching Miro Hero! It has been truly exciting to see how much enthusiasm there is around this program & to create new opportunities for you all to get involved. 

Can’t wait to see what we do together in 2022! 🎉

In the coming year, I look forward to using this app! I would like to see the ability to double click to create a new note reinstated (or add it to the options). I was devastated when I found out it was going away.
