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✨ Distributed 2021 Day 2 recordings and resources

  • 3 November 2021
  • 10 replies
✨ Distributed 2021 Day 2 recordings and resources

Hi Miro community, 

Distributed Day 2 was amazing! Full of workshops, interactive sessions, insightful conversations, collaboration, improvisation :sparkles:

Of course, the main magic of these community sessions was in their interactivity, but in case you missed it and if you are still interested to learn how it was, we’ve prepared a list of all recordings and Miro boards :arrow_down:

:paperclip:  Find Day 1 recordings and resources here



Baking Beautiful Boards: Level up: Tips & Tricks For Aspiring Miro Board Wizards

Speakers@Daniel Wirtz, René Nauheimer

Learn hands-on strategies and actionable tips to design beautiful Miro boards while saving yourself hours of time.

Miro board | Recording


Baking Beautiful Boards: Miro Board Improv!

Speakers@Rachel @Jonathan White 

An interactive workshop where Rachel and Jonathan used attendees' ideas to create a Miro board on the spot in real-time. From opening moments through to closing moments, see how you can quickly use both built in features in Miro and other tools to create boards quickly that will wow others. This session is a fun, interactive session where we can all just breathe, laugh, and see what comes out of it.

Miro board | Recording


Baking Beautiful Boards: Let’s Play Miroulette!

Speakers@Justin Mertes @Michael Luchen, Carly Freeman Thompson, Stef Enger, Aubrey Schmidt

Each Crema team member is randomly assigned to rapidly construct a workshop element at the same time. Each member is then re-assigned to a different element and must create one different from the first person. The teams review each other’s work, and then are randomly assigned one to tidy up and make it “workshop ready.” Be ready to watch the team think quick on their feet, prioritize what matters most, and polish things up in a hurry!

Miro board | Recording


Baking Beautiful Boards: Super Experio Adventure: Building Harmonious Employee Experiences Via Beautiful Boards

Speakers: Sara Gabbioni, Waris Misbah, Prashant Dixit

Globally, employee experiences suffer due to fundamental disconnect between employees and their organizations across the journey. Join the HUED team on a fun ride to build harmonious experiences, and that too beautifully.

Miro board | Recording


Baking Beautiful Boards: Baking a Lean Workshop

Speakers@Maru Latournerie, Francisco García, Irene Trilla, Nicole Pagnut

From brief, define and design. Join the Pixel Research Lab team to learn how to design a workshop based on your team’s needs. Define the most important things and design a beautiful board in Miro that's ready to go!

Miro board | Recording (English) | Recording (Spanish)


Baking Beautiful Boards: Emotionale Brücken - Miro mal anders

Speakers: Alexander Holike, Katja McKinney

Was ist mit Miro möglich? Wofür lässt es sich denn noch einsetzen? Wie kann ich bunt, kreativ und effektiv Boards bauen die berühren, begeistern und bereichern? Brücken bauen und sich verbunden fühlen über Miro. Wie das geht wollen wir zeigen und unsere Erfahrungen mit euch teilen. In einer praktischen Übung erarbeiten wir eine Lösung für ein konkretes Problem in deinem Unternehmen. Wir freuen uns auf dich.

Miro board | Recording


Collaborating for a Circular Economy

Speakers@Mark Murray, Sultan Çetin, Jan Konietzko, @Jair Halevi 

Progression from a Linear Take-Make-Use-Waste Economy to a Circular Economy is needed more now than ever. Join our 3 Miroverse creators as they share the templates they use to progress and implement circular economy principles

Miro board | Recording


Taking your User Interviews to the Next Level

Speakers@Philip Wallage @Helena Brandist 

Join us in The Desert of The Unknown and discover how to level up the output you generate from your Stakeholder Interviews. During this interactive session, Philip will show you how to apply Design Thinking and gain valuable new insights. A perfect way to start your ideation session!

Miro board | Recording


Boost Inclusion and Engagement with Cognitive Diversity

Speakers@Kim White, Kimberly Sullivan, @Annie 

Have you ever felt not fully understood? Understanding the cognitive diversity of your team can amplify a more engaged and inclusive work environment - this is especially critical in these times of being fully remote, the need to understand each other's thinking is pivotal! In this interactive session we’ll explore Herrmann’s Whole Brain ®️ Thinking Model and give you Miro tips, tricks and techniques to leverage with your team immediately.

Miro board | Recording


Design Sprint Hero: Facilitate Like A Pro

Speakers@razburciu @Ana Oarga 
Join Ana and Raz from Just Mad for an exclusive session where they will share valuable insights and pro tips for maximizing the Design Sprint process. Having worked with the likes of UiPath, DBS, Personio, and SAP, with over 100 Design Sprints facilitated worldwide (both in-person and remote) as well as dozens of training sessions, they've put together a line-up of topics that will help you become a Design Sprint Hero.

Miro board | Recording


Making Moments in Miro: from Mischievous to Momentous

Speakers@Isman Tanuri @Joshua William Davies 

A playful session in which we explored how to sculpt meaningful Miro moments through:

  • experiments in sounds & silence
  • experiments in sequence & safety
  • experiments in shaping groups & spaces

There were laser cats! :cat2:

Miro board | Recording


How to Solve Real World Problems with a Practical Product Strategy

Speakers@Natalie Mandriko @Nacho Bassino 

You work as PM or Director of Product in a Travel Company, focused on accommodations for tourists (think Airbnb,, Expedia or any of your favorites). You have defined a nice 18mo Strategy under execution. But suddenly, COVID hits in March 2020 and sales decrease almost overnight. You need to quickly set up a new path to survive the crisis....

Miro board | Recording


Building your Connected Tech Stack

Speakers@Hollis Kool @David Grabner @Himali Tadwalkar 

Learn from peers about how to get the most from your hybrid work tech stack. Plus hear from Miro about new integrations that will change your workflow and a sneak peek of what's coming up next. Don’t miss it!

Miro board | Recording


Re-Kindling Customer Relations in a Post-Pandemic World

Speakers@Joost de Leij, Peter Hay, Sander Kruitwagen, Evgeni Minchev, Ross Tulloch

How consultants and agencies adjusted their work-life-client relations to a new reality. How do they reconnect with their clients? How do they see the future of consultant-client collaboration? How we can design this future together?



Social Design, How to Boost Team Achievements Online

Speakers@Kees Froeling @Olena Avramenko, Semira Martirosyan

Want to inspire and deliver more joy? Join StudioWhy for a lively discussion that offers actionable tips and tricks for consultants to deliver success and delight customers from a distance.

Miro board | Recording


Career Growth in a Hybrid World

Speakers: Rhys Black, John Cutler, Anfisa Bogomolova

In this session, we’ll explore the new challenge of growing your career effectively in a hybrid or remote environment and will design a solution for you to take control of your career.

Miro board | Recording



 :question: What is your favourite session and what are your key insights from that session? Please share in the comments!


10 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +4

This is awesome, thanks @Marina! Do you know when the day 2 sessions will be “produced” and put on YouTube? I see one of the day 2 talks up there already on Cognitive Diversity from the amazing @Kim White, so am excited for the rest to make it so we can share via social!

Userlevel 1
Badge +1

@Jonathan White  Grab some popcorn...


Userlevel 2
Badge +1

Yay! I finally can watch the workshops I missed. Also hope the recording of The Desert of The Unknown will be available soon! 🎉🎈👋

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

@Jonathan White, select sessions will be uploaded to our YouTube, so keep an eye out! Also, we'll be having many more opportunities to engage with live sessions so we'll keep you posted on that :raised_hands_tone2:

@Philip Wallage, we’ll add it here in the next couple of days :wink: 

Userlevel 6

@Philip Wallage I’m excited to view that one, too! :) 

Userlevel 1

Thank you so much for sharing! :blush:

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi everyone, just a heads-up that I’ve updated the post and now all recordings are there :v_tone2:

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

So disappointed!  Has anyone else had this issue?


Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Oh weird. Can you please try a different browser? @Annie 


Btw, this session is on YouTube as well:


Userlevel 5
Badge +2

@Marina All good  the full moon seems to have worked on fixing my tech!  :joy: Thanks!
