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I would like to become ISV for customers of Miro. I would like to use API endpoints available only for enterprise plan. As far as I understand both me and customer must have enterprise plan purchased to be able to authorize my app. I don’t have 30 people in my org, what should I do then? Which plan should I purchase for full API fuctionality?

Can I avoid using credit card which can expire and pay with invoice? I want to have bulletproof app with full API support.

As far as I understand Miro approval is needed only to appear in marketplace, but my clients can use my app if it’s not published to marketplace, right?


Hi @liquidus 

As far as I understand both me and customer must have enterprise plan purchased to be able to authorize my app. 
Yes, that’s right.

I don’t have 30 people in my org, what should I do then? Which plan should I purchase for full API fuctionality?

I recommend checking this page to submit a form to get access to an enterprise sandbox to fully test out all of Miro’s REST API capabilities. You will need a corporate email to submit the request. The email will become company admin of that new sandbox. 

As far as I understand Miro approval is needed only to appear in marketplace, but my clients can use my app if it’s not published to marketplace, right?

Yes, that’s right. You can always share private apps by sharing the install link with someone to try out your app. 

Can I avoid using credit card which can expire and pay with invoice? I want to have bulletproof app with full API support.

The sandbox, once granted, is free, and lasts for 6 months. 

Hope this helps! 

Thank you for answers.
I wasn’t asking about sandbox. I would like to know how should I proceed with my setup and purchases for production. I just need to be prepared for go-live of my app. Can you help me please?


Hi @liquidus 

If you want full functionality, you will need to purchase the Enterprise plan. It’s still recommended to test your apps within a sandbox using the form I linked above, otherwise you will be testing in production. 

Hope this helps.

Yes I’m testing my app on sandbox but I need to know how should I proceed with prd.
Please, forget about testing and help me with production setup as I need to do research.
So again:

I don’t have 30 people in my org, what should I do then? Which plan should I purchase for full API functionality?

Can I avoid using credit card which can expire and pay with invoice? I want to have bulletproof app with full API support.


Hi @liquidus.

I’m not sure about billing questions. This forum is set up for developer and API questions. 

I suggest to ask questions around billing / credit card payments in the “Ask the Community” section of the forum. 

Enterprise plan is required to use full API functionality. In order to purchase Enterprise plan, I see there is a “Contact Sales” button there on the page. That may be helpful for you. They should be able to answer all of your billing / Credit Card related questions and the 30 people in your Org. I cannot answer those questions. 

Hope this helps! 
