Problem: I want to copy board from one account to another team account via Miro REST API.

  • 12 January 2024
  • 3 replies

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Hi @Miro Developer Relations 

I am trying to copy board from one account to another team account via Miro REST API. I tried two approaches to solve this problem see below:
Approach 1: I used copy Board API but getting 403 Forbidden error if i am using v2.0 API.
Approach 2:
1. I created blank board to other team member account via Create Board API.
2. I get all widgets from one board which is exist into another team account via List All Widgets API via v1.0 API.
3. I tried to create all widgets into newly created board but getting error like fontFamily key or createAt,createdBy is not supported into rawJSON  via v1.0 API.

So i am stuck into that please suggest the solutions of above problem which i am facing at my end.


3 replies

Userlevel 2
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Hi @Ideateplus does the 403 error show any more information about what access you need?

This error usually happens when you don’t have access to the team that you’re trying to copy the board into, is the Miro app installed in the correct team?

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Hi @Josip Janzic,

I am getting below error while calling Copy Board API in PHP.
403 error:

Also i am trying to copy board into different team like below.
See screenshot:

Please suggest me if i need to do any other thing to achieve this. 

Userlevel 2
Badge +1

Hi, it does seem like there’s an issue with access to the team that you’re trying to copy the board to (id ending in 756). I would double check that the app is installed in this team and the user that you’re using for copying, the ower of the access token, has is part of that team as well.
