New in the Web SDK: Enhanced image capabilities and support for layers

  • 27 September 2023
  • 0 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +4

Hey, everyone!

We’re happy to share that the Web SDK now supports two new capabilities:

Enhancements to Image Capabilities
We now return the URL for all images on a board via the Web SDK, including images that are pasted on to the board or dragged on to the board.

We also support Data URLs, and they can be retrieved programmatically via the Web SDK


Support for layers
The Web SDK now supports layer capabilities for items, such as image, card, app card, shape, sticky note, and other other types.

This allows you to programatically layer various items on a board, using methods such as bringToFront(), sendToBack(), and more.

Get Started
Ready to get started? Visit our documentation to start working with these new capabilities:
Changelog Entry→

Happy coding!
Miro Developer Relations

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