Miro Rest API : How to Fetch only jira cards from the given frame

  • 8 November 2023
  • 3 replies

Badge +1


I’m trying to get all jira cards from the given frame, but the given rest api is also reading other normal cards from the frame.

I’m using below Rest API 



Is there any better way of fetching only the app cards


Also, is there any way to read custom fields present in the jira card

3 replies

Userlevel 1

Hello Chandra,


Thank you for the question!


You are right, it seems that currently the https://developers.miro.com/reference/get-items request returns all card widgets for both card and app_card types in the Query params. 


Let me discuss with the team whether this is going to be fixed in the nearest future!


As for the current way to receive only Jira Card widgets via API - unfortunately, there seem to be no way to get that. However, let me double-check with the team and get back to you if there is a workaround that could help!


Have a lovely day!

Badge +1


If I can atleast get jira key from the card then I'll be able to get all information from jira instance.

Is there any workaround to get the information 

Userlevel 1

Hello Chandra,


I’m afraid it’s not possible - current card data doesn’t mention the Jira connection anywhere in the response, so there isn’t a workaround for this case.


However, we will definitely discuss such possibility with our dev team so it may be applied somewhere in the future!


Thank you for the feedback and for the feature request!
