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Miro API copyBoard not available?

  • 21 July 2024
  • 2 replies


I was trying to follow this API docs and was hoping to use the copyBoard() in my React app but it doesn’t seem to exists in the latest npm package. 

I’ve installed "@mirohq/websdk-types": "^2.15.1", and I’m including  <script src=""></script> in the index.html file. 




Am I missing something?

Hi @Clyde D'Souza 

The link you’ve shared there is for the REST API reference. With the WebSDK, we don’t have any functions or methods to copy a board. 

You can find all the possible methods for the board here.

You can a high level overview of what the Miro Web SDK can do here.

Hope it helps. 

Thank you @Horea Porutiu that helps!
