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I’m trying to use sort=last_modified with the /boards endpoint but it doesn’t seem to be respecting it. Is this broken? Or is there some undocumented constraint about this parameter only being used in conjunction with other parameters? Tried combining it with e.g. team_id but to no avail.

Specifically, when making this request:

curl --request GET \

     --url '' \

     --header 'accept: application/json' \

     --header 'authorization: Bearer <token>' \

    | jq '.data ] | .modifiedAt'

I get back modifiedAt timestamps in this order:





















Hi @Jonathan Goldman,

Thanks a lot for raising this, and apologies for the trouble with this sort parameter. This appears to ba a bug and our team is looking into it. We hope to have this resolved shortly and will keep you updated.

Great, thank you!
