How to get Connection details for the given frame using REST API

  • 9 November 2023
  • 2 replies

Badge +1

Hello All,

I’m trying to produce report of connections using connectors REST API i.e on a given frame with cards,  for each card i need to display incoming and outgoing connections. But there is no rest api to get the connection details at card level. May i know if i’m missing something here.

Can i get it get all connections present in the frame using connector rest api bcoz existing API gets all connections from all the frames

2 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +4

Hey @Chandra Sekhar T,

Great question. If you want to get all the connectors within a given frame, it’s possible, but it will take more than just 1 request I’m afraid. While it’s a great suggestion to make this more seamless, it’s not possible to specify a particular frame via the GET Connectors endpoint at the moment. 

What you can do, however, is the following:

  • Call the GET Items within frame endpoint to get the ID of each item in the frame (you can also use the `type` query param to get just cards, for instance)
  • Store the IDs of each of these items in the particular frame you’re interested in
  • Call the the GET Connectors endpoint and compare the start/end item IDs to determine which connectors are associated with items in the particular frame

While I realize this isn’t the most ideal solution, you might find it a helpful workaround. 


Badge +1

Yes, for now I'm using same logic, but the catch is if my board has several frames with many card connections.


Also, just a query, if my cards are having connections and if I convert all of the cards to jira cards will the connections converts to issue links
