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Embedding frame only to an external link

  • 11 December 2023
  • 1 reply

Use case: I copied a miro frame’s link and pasted/embedded it to an external tool like ClickUp Docs.

Issue: Copying the frame link shows the entire board, which at times does not show the frame initially but some other part of the board. This could be a problem to non-miro users who will view the file from ClickUp. Embedding specific frame links to external tools like ClickUp can be really helpful for dynamic teams. who may change the contents frequently.

Hey Stacey,

Thanks for pointing this out. The workflow for setting a start screen for an embed is slightly different. You click the share icon, then embed:


Within the modal that opens, you can set the start view:

Hope this helps but let me know if you need more assistance. Im not a ClickUp user myself so I don’t know if you can past the iframe code there.



