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Color picker reduced colors available

  • 22 February 2023
  • 4 replies

I am only seeing the standard 16 colors, but in the past had a large amount of colors. If my account changed do these colors go away that I set up?

4 replies

Userlevel 7
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@PDunn -

Unfortunately, the custom colors you created would have been associated with your previous account and there is no method which I’m aware of to export those and import them into a different Miro account.


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@Kiron Bondale  bummer thank you.  Is there a way to determine a color on an existing board so I can add them back to my pallet?

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@PDunn -

Yes, click on the color circle for the existing custom color in the palette, and then click on the + in the palette as if you were adding a new one and it will be set to the details of the custom color you had originally clicked on.


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@Kiron Bondale   Perfect worked great appreciate your assistance with this.
