My use case is to create a diagram (similar to a uml class diagram) on the micro canvas. I basically parse complex code bases and after filtering and structuring relevant tokens parsed, I end up with a complex json data that has information about the different files, classes, variables, api calls etc. I want to draw a visual representation of that code base where an application is represented by a frame, and each file inside it forms a separate frame, which further contains shapes representing api calls and variables etc. I want to maintain the hierarchy in the diagram just like in the code itself- for example, a file containing a class, which in turn contains an api call, must be rendered as a frame (the file), containing another frame (the class) as its child, which finally contains a box representing the api call as its child.
So, now that I have provided a context, I’ll come straight to the point. I did not find an api call where I could pass data for multiple items (frames, shapes, tags etc) and it draws a diagram from it, automatically calculating the positions each item would take. It's clearly not possible to send thousands of separate api calls to draw each item separately. Additionally, sending position for each new item in the api call won’t work in my case, as I am to draw a complex diagram where calculating the position of each element in synchrony with other items manually won’t be possible.
Thanks in advance