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Hi all, 

I have a new Miro board, and have enabled the voting plugin with 5 votes per person, however when i share my board with other users, they don't see the voting session i set up… is there something im doing wrong? 

Shouldnt users just be able to click the link to the board and start voting (even as guests?)? 

PLease let me know if you have tips/tricks. 



@jenna -

How are you sharing the board - are these users using anonymous guest editor access or are they “named” users?

I just did a test with an anonymous guest editor and it did work, but I did have to click on the little voting icon in the bottom tray to start voting.


I’m experiencing an issue where I will set up a vote, confirm it has started and is accessible to others, only to return later and see no evidence that it’s existed. This has happened twice in the last week. I open up the voting widget and see only this:

