Visitor + Video Chat

n the plan "Starter" visitors can edit the boards again. What about the Video / Audio chat? The help documentation says: "Visitors can not start a video chat"

What does that mean in concrete terms? Can I talk to my workshop participants = visitors or not?

Can I start a video chat and my visitors can participate or is there basically no video chat for visitors in the "Starter" plan?

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Teufelskomet - I'm not near my laptop at the moment, so I cannot test this, but reading the Video Chat help center article it does appear that Visitors with edit access should be able to join a video chat:


If you want to know for sure, you could test this yourself by joining one of your own boards as a visitor from an incognito browser window. 

Thank you. I read the help for visitors. So i may change from Mural to Miro.

Have a nice day
