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Vimeo video link (or embed code) pasted into miro board does not show preview. All videos show as white screen which is difficult to tell the difference when multiple videos on the same board.

There was a similar problem described here but no solution found (yet!).

Thank you for suggestions!



We have several templates that embed videos from our Vimeo account as instructions. Sometime in the last week, the preview thumbnail and playback controls have vanished from these videos, causing lots of confusion for participants using these boards. If the participant clicks in the white space where the thumbnail used to be, they can use the “expand to full screen” icon, and the videos will still play for them. These videos are set to embed only, so clicking the “source” icon doesn’t work from them, and since there is no clear indication that a video is in that frame since the thumbnail is just white space, this is causing an issue.

Has anyone else noticed this? 

Yes. This is a serious problem. There is no way for a classroom of students to visually identify their vimeo links. 


Need a solution fast. 

Please help resolve this issue also described here. Thank you!

Hi @Devyn Weiser 


Thanks for following up on the other thread. 


Based on my replication, the issue is not reproduced on my end.


Could you please try to reupload the link and see if it helps solve the issue? If it did not work, please try to troubleshoot it by following the steps below:


  1. Check if the issue is reproduced in incognito (private) mode and a different browser
  2. Disable the browser extensions. Sometimes they clash with Miro processes (e.g. Grammarly with the text widgets). 
  3. If you work in the Desktop app, reset the app data
  4. If you experience performance issues on a specific board, try duplicating it and see if the issue persists on the copied board


Hope this helps!

Thanks Eca!

I tried all your suggestions documented on Miro board here but still no luck. Would you please review and let me know how to solve this issue? Students have to open every single link to see vimeo content. There’s no issue with YouTube links but all the videos are already in Vimeo Showcase.

Hi @Devyn Weiser 


Since the steps didn’t resolve the issue, I’ll go ahead and convert your post into a support ticket so our team can assist you further. Once the issue is resolved, it would be wonderful if you could share the guidance from our support team with the community—it could be really helpful for others facing a similar challenge.


Thank you for your patience!

It still doesn’t work at all. I’ve wasted so many hours trying to figure this out and integrate every different app. Google Drive embed = integration is buggy, finally get it to connect and then no preview thumbnail for embedded video. Vimeo = integration is buggy, finally get it to connect and then no preview thumbnail for embedded video.


Seriously considering taking my business and all my students to Figma.

Hi @mirouser245624yw4t,


Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. I understand how frustrating technical issues like these can be, especially when you’ve invested time trying to resolve them.


If the suggestions shared earlier in this thread didn’t resolve the problem, I’d recommend reaching out to Miro Support directly. They can provide more specific troubleshooting, and hopefully, resolve the issue.


We appreciate your patience and hope to help get this sorted out soon.
