Starter plan - Payement blocked and then all accesses blocked :(

  • 1 November 2023
  • 2 replies


Hi, I am working on severals boards, the limited access made me want to change for a starter plan.
I conviced my team that I needed a licence.
Now I book a moment with our IT manager, ready to pay for it and everything.

But now the payement is failing, “error loading payment sessions”
and I can’t even get the access back to any of my work.
I should never have try to make the upgrade since it’s downgrading me...
This situation is extremely bad...
Can someone contact me please?
I can’t work because of this..

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@Antoine PERREAULT - Greetings from Regina, Saskatchewan! /=S=/

But now the payement is failing, “error loading payment sessions”
and I can’t even get the access back to any of my work.
I should never have try to make the upgrade since it’s downgrading me...
This situation is extremely bad…

Yikes! Yes, this is rather embarrassing! Will covert your post into a support right away! You should receive an email confirmation right after I submit this reply.

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Hope all is resolved for you @Antoine PERREAULT, please keep me up to date =)

Thanks for the pro-activeness @Robert Johnson
