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  • In the miro app (not browser), drag a rectangle to the board
  • resize the rectangle as narrow as possible
  • the resize handlers disappear => one cannot resize the shape anymore
  • drag another shape to the board (e.g. square)
  • it is as narrow as the rectangle before 
  • this is imo quite severe because all shape I drag to the board a) are as narrow as the original rectangle b) are not resizeable
  • => one has to go to maximum zoom, then the resize handler re-appear


@MirroMirror -

The same behavior happens when using Miro in Google Chrome - not sure this is a bug as much as a natural limitation when dealing with a very narrow object in any type of drawing program. 

If you want to you could open a Miro support request to get an official response on this: Submit a request – Miro Support & Help Center


thanks, will open request.

definitely not a “natural” limitation. does not happen with any other drawing-tools I’m aware of, neither with other whiteboards like lucidspark. 



I am having the same problem. This ticket was reported a year ago and nothing seems to be done to fix it. Using Miro at times seems overly stressful and unproductive.

I have paid subscription as well.

Easy fix. Zoom in to enlarge the shape. As the shape gets big enough, the resize cursors appear and the shape can be resized.
