[RESOLVED] Frames panel navigation broken

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

As of May 16, 2023 @ 2:45pm UTC-6, the frames panel navigation appears to be broken. When clicking on a frame name, the first couple of frames align/display properly, but then the frames are not displayed and instead, the zoom jumps way out.

To reproduce:

  1. I created a new board from the The Business Model Kit template - here’s the board: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVMIYpwT4=/
  2. Open frames panel and navigate the frames.

Here’s a GIF:

Tested in Chrome and desktop app on Windows 10 and 11, 64-bit.

Robert Johnson 1 year ago

Update from Miro Support (RESOLVED):

We're pleased to inform you that the issue you reported has been successfully resolved. The bug, which affected navigation via the frames sidebar, has been addressed. We have released a fix and everything should now work as expected. Your report and your patience in this matter have been greatly appreciated.


I have tested on my end and the issue is gone.

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Userlevel 7
Badge +12

I have opened a support ticket and will update this post as I hear back.

Yeah same problem Robert and it is a recent problem happening on all boards.
I use the Miro App for windows.

I checked Edge web, and get the same problem.

We have the same issue on several Miro Boards from all frames-users. It seems, that the zoom factor won’t change, once the zoom has “automatically” jumped to an exceedingly small value (for ex. 2%).

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Latest update from Miro Support:

I will escalate it to our Technical Support Engineering team so they can dive deeper and determine the root cause of the issue you're experiencing.

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Update from Miro Support (RESOLVED):

We're pleased to inform you that the issue you reported has been successfully resolved. The bug, which affected navigation via the frames sidebar, has been addressed. We have released a fix and everything should now work as expected. Your report and your patience in this matter have been greatly appreciated.


I have tested on my end and the issue is gone.

Just updated my installed miro, works now 👍👍

Thank you
