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[RESOLVED] Bug - Session Idle Timeout not Logging Me Out Periodically

I noticed on my Mobile Phone App that Miro is not Timing Out and I stay Logged In occasionally (not all the time).

I also see on my Desktop Dashboard some Users in a Board longer than the 90 minute timeout setting however they have left work for the day (over night).

@Brandon Lee - When you say “Logged In”, are you referring to Miro forcing you to completely sign into your account again?

What plan type are you on?

I am on the Consultant Plan and never get signed out of my mobile, browser, or desktop app.

If a user is on a board and they switch to a different browser tab or the window loses focus on their computer, e.g., it is minimized, they immediately show as “idle”, e.g., here I am minimizing and restoring my Miro desktop app:


And we have staff all of the time who are on a board, stop working for the night, but leave Miro open and appear as idle for days.

Is this the behaviour that you are referring to?

Company Accounts have a Admin Setting for Session Idle Timeout Session Idle Timeout – Miro Support & Help Center

This is useful to have enabled so when looking a the Dashboard and you see a coworker avatar on a Board Cover you know that they are actively working.  This improves the whole collaboration environment.

@Brandon Lee - So, you are on the Enterprise Plan?

@Brandon Lee - If a feature is not working for you as expected/consistently then it should be reported to Miro support for further investigation.

learning center → Get help → Support:


Thanks I reported Issue previously… I just wanted to see if anyone else in the Community was observing this.

This was a Bug… Developers tweaked something and it is now working as expected.
