Resizing Table Elements Breaks Table Functionality

  • 16 March 2023
  • 4 replies


I have a large table which I use as a feedback array to get the feeling of the group I am working with, it just makes the data more readable…

How ever if I try to manipulate the widths of the columns, or the height of the rows, I lose all table functionality, if I undo my actions I get the table functionality back. the table is a simple 3rows x 10columns. The same goes for adding and removing rows and columns.

TBH, this seems to apply to any manipulation of the table once I have added data to it, it just seems to revert the table a a table shaped object or collection of text boxes… In fact adding data to the table seems to stop it reacting like a table :/

How can I fix this, or how do I stop this from happening?

4 replies

I also have this problem.

I have the same problem. It’s maddening.

FWIW, for some reason, if I open the board in Incognito mode, the broken tables work.


I was just breaking my head around the same issue. 

I noticed that table functionality is zoom related. Strange as it is, when I zoom out, the resize function doesn’t work, but if I zoom back in, it works again. 

Hope this helps. 


I'm just scratching my head over the same problem.

I noticed that the table functionality is related to zooming. Strangely, the resizing feature doesn't work when I zoom out, but works again when I zoom in.

I hope this helps.
