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Добрый день! Случилась такая ситуация, решил протестировать ссылку miro. Сначала долго делал проект… Короче зашел со своего второго аккаунта и вижу что ВСЁ нафиг стёрлось, остались лишь слайды которые делаются автоматом при создании проекта. Как вернуть данные?? При этом, до того как зашел 100% было всё как надо.


Всё разрешилось, нашли ссылку к доске, зашли по ней, информация там. Только вопрос,  ПОЧЕМУ MIRO РЕШИЛ УДАЛИТЬ ВДРУГ ДОСКУ ИЗ СПИСКА?

Hi @Yaroslav Day 


Your message translates into:


Post: Good afternoon! Such a situation happened, I decided to test the miro link. At first, I did the project for a long time… In short, I logged in from my second account and I see that EVERYTHING has been erased, there are only slides that are made automatically when creating a project. How do I get the data back?? At the same time, before I entered 100%, everything was as it should be.


1st comment: Everything was resolved, we found a link to the board, followed it, the information is there. The only question is, WHY DID MIRO SUDDENLY DECIDE TO REMOVE THE BOARD FROM THE LIST?


Firslty, we thank you for sharing your experience in the community!


I am glad to know that everything was resolved! To address your question, I’ll need further information. 

  • What was removed? Is it the content within the board? Or was the board itself missing from the dashboard?
  • Is your dashboard’s design now on Simplified UI or the old one?
    OLD UI
    Simplified UI


Please note that Miro do not remove or modify any content from our side. Everything is within the users control. If the content of the board did not appear when you logged in using your second account, it could be because the connection was weak, the board did not load completely, etc. 


However, if the board is missing from the dashboard, it could be because the filter was specifically set up into owned by me. Usually, it should be owned by anyone.


To this end, kindly share further information so we can check on our side. 

Thank you for your feedback! Everything was removed from the board, there were several dozen panels. All this was replaced by an introductory slide with the schedule, and then everything returned as it is, but the project never appeared in the list. Now even the creator can only click on the link.
