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Problem with coach

  • 22 November 2023
  • 1 reply

Good evening! I have a problem. I studied languages ​​with the tutors on the Miro board, but after completing the training, the tutor blocked my access to the board and demanded $50 to open the board. What should I do? I have paid for all lessons and have full right to view my assignments!

1 reply

Userlevel 7
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@Ksenia78889 - Unfortunately, it is up to a Miro board owner to choose who they want to give access to the board. If you feel the coach acted in bad faith, e.g., they had previously indicated that access to the Miro board would continue to given without any money being exchanged, then I would suggest you contact a lawyer for advice. Otherwise, you will have to pay for the access, and perhaps try to negotiate a lower price.
