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can you have each whiteboard/space/workspace/box be a slide? yea or na?

seems like it can create sections within a board/space, and each of  those  sections would be a slide

this would be a specific use if it can do that, have not been able to find any specific uses for years


not sure why it does that because the whiteboard/space would become very clutter so it’d be really bad to put everything on one whiteboard/space

has there been any specific uses of this presentation feature where anyone would actually need/want a presentation on one  whiteboard/space?? link to specific uses if you know of any


can you have each whiteboard/space/workspace/box be a slide? yea or na?

I do not see any reason to/value in making a slideshow out of individual Miro boards… but you could if you wanted to.


has there been any specific uses of this presentation feature where anyone would actually need/want a presentation on one  whiteboard/space?? link to specific uses if you know of any

One use case for using a frame so a Miro board as a presentation is that you may be presenting information--just like you would with any other slide-based presentation software--except that one of your slides may include an interactive activity where you could have your presentation viewers on your Miro board as viewers, i.e., the boards’ Share settings was set to “Anyone with the link → Can view” and then you could switch the Share setting to “Can edit”, then your presentation viewers are now become participants in your interactivity on the board. When you’re done, you could switch the board back to view-only mode and continue presenting.

interactive activity 


do not know what is meant, need links

 this is  a visual medium and visual app, cant have words

i need links, thought asked for links in op but i guess i forgot to


where’s link that shows how to make each board/whitespace into a slide? if it can do that

@miruses :

To add structure into a miro board you can place frames around your content.

And there are two ways to do this

  1. You first create your content onto your canvas and then you “frame” it OR
  2. You first create a empty frame and place your content into your frame

More about frames you can find here:

Then you bring your frames into the right order - it is the same like you do this in a PowerPoint presentation:



For me miro has completely replaced PowerPoint because it offers me more interactivity with my audience:


