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PDF Export Resolution

  • 18 April 2020
  • 8 replies

Hi, the resolution of PDF is very small  only 277 × 392 if i want to export it - it is normal. also with the best quality.

thanks and best regards


Hi Dubo,

you can choose wich kind of quality to like to have your pdf:

For images - you can also choose pdf:

or as pdf you can choose the quality of your file:


hi Michael, 

yes thanks i know- but the resolution for a pdf is very small…the normal size is 595 × 842 and here is only 277 × 392. is there a way to increase the resolution?

thanks Dubo


Hi Dubo,

in the free plan the export size of pdf is limited.

And in some browsers you have browser restrictions:


hi Michael, i have the pro - full license.

best regards and thanks Dubo

@Dubo -

Isn’t resolution a function of the images embedded in a PDF - I didn’t think there was a default pixel resolution for PDF files?

I’m not sure where to check it but when I just exported one of my class boards using the better PDF setting and go to Edit - Preferences in Acrobat Reader, it tells me that it us using a custom resolution of 110 pixels/inch - is that what you get as well?


hi Kiron, 

thanks -  I compare the pdf from me and the one from Miro. they are differebt in the resolution. but maybe it’s normal.. 




I try to export one of my Miro Board to a pdf file, in “best quality”, but the operation never finishes, (it keeps on turning in loops). I tried in low definition and succeded the export but it is really rough and some images are missing, I cannot send this to my client. I don’t use the free plan, I use a consultant version. In my Miro, their is around 60 frames that contains a few texts and sometimes small images.


How can I do to get a pdf in a correct definition out of my Miro board ?

Hi Cyril. I had this same issue. On inspection I found that it was the large files (sizes/MBs) on the Board that were causing the issue, in my case images, didn’t pull through the exported PDF (a broken image icon was shown). Appreciate you posted over a year ago! 
