
Open Graph Error with no previews

  • 19 August 2022
  • 1 reply

Hi all,

I was linking the linkedin profile of all our team members. Miro stopped creating open graph previews from nowhere. I kept doing the same: ctrl + c from a spreadsheet cell and ctrl + v to Miro. Some profiles were shown as a open graph preview. After 12 profiles, Miro stopped getting the previews.

I tried Firefox, Chrome and the WhatsApp Client (I got some of the links by it).

Can you help?

1 reply

Userlevel 3

Hi @Pedro Gustavo 👋

Thank you for reporting the issue! 
We’re sorry you’ve run into it but please have no worries - I’ve converted this post into a support ticket and our team will reach out to you shortly via email. Stay tuned! 🙂
