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One of my board's status has been changed. Why?

  • 22 May 2024
  • 2 replies

Hello, I really do need help and don’t know where to ask for it! One of my board’s status has been recently changed to “view-only”. My current plan is free, so I’ve got 3 boards, but yesterday I noticed that I had 4 boards and one of them is blocked. I’m frustrated, because I didn’t have 4 boards. I believe that there’s a mistake, and desperately need to be guided and told how to tackle the problem!

@Katerina87 - The Free Plan team only allows for 3 editable boards for the whole team, and not per team member:

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If you did not create the fourth board, then you have at least one other member in your team. You will need to ask them to delete their board, or you can remove them from the team and choose to delete all of their content in the process.

Thanks a lot! Yes, it was one of the members of my team. 
