Miro + Zoom = Zoom Crash

  • 16 January 2021
  • 4 replies

I teach a large architecture class with over 80 students. I have students post their work to a Miro board so that during a Zoom session we can all look at the work together and comment and mark-up the work. Students are posting multiple PDFs and PNGs with images for each assignment. The Miro board loads painfully slow, and now that the board has ~200 student generated pages in it, when I am using both Miro and Zoom at the same time, Zoom crashes and Miro lags. Does anyone know of ways that get the Miro board load the images that I am zoomed-in on faster (without trying to load everything in the page)? Also, are there settings to help the overall board use less bandwidth so that Zoom can still operate? This is soooo frustrating!

4 replies

Userlevel 7
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@Carmen Trudell -

Are you using Miro via a web browser? You may want to use the desktop app instead as that might reduce the workload somewhat. Also, both applications are fairly system intensive so you may need to look at the CPU and memory capacity of your computer.


Hi Kiron,

I am using the desktop app. I have a pretty powerful iMac that is 4 years old. I have a brand new Google Nest wireless router. I did have some luck with less crashing when I connected my computer directly to the modem. This makes me believe that the problem is with pulling large amounts of data over wifi.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Carmen Trudell -

Absolutely - one of the standard practices I encourage for all virtual facilitators is to go hardwired for their classes.

You may want to look at the Zoom settings for sharing and video to ensure that they aren’t unnecessarily burdening your system.

Finally, rendering high resolution images can be a bottleneck if there are a lot of big ones so you may wish to ask your students to save their images for web viewing vs. high quality printing.


I’m having similar trouble, for a class of 35 students, using a 2.5-year old Windows PC and the desktop version of Miro (and Zoom, which I checked is up to date).  The only graphics I’m uploading are PDF worksheets, so nothing super fancy.  Today Zoom crashed twice in my 75-minute class. (Last week it only crashed once per class.)
