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Making repeatable cards or worksheets that workshop participants can fill in

  • 10 September 2020
  • 8 replies

When we run workshops with members of the public we often make cards or worksheets with labelled boxes for participants to complete as part of an activity.

Is there a way to do the same in Miro?

To create a set of grouped shapes, with headings and labels, where the shapes, headings and labels are fixed or locked, but participants can edit the text in the appropriate boxes.

Particularly with smaller ‘cards’, the participants would typically complete and arrange several cards. So we and they should be able to duplicate a whole card.

@John Waterworth - From what you have described, yes you could do all of these things in Miro.

If you have a paid account, you could save all of this pre-work as a Custom Template and then just add a copy to any board as needed. You could even use the Free Plan that currently allows for three active boards, you could use one board to store this pre-word as templates and then copy-and-paste it into another active/working board for your workshops. Note there are other considerations when using the Free Plan for something like this, e.g.,

  • The public can’t edit the boards - you would need to add users to your Free Plan team in order for them to be able to edit the board.
  • You would also want to set your ‘templates’ board to View only for the rest of the team.

When you mention duplicating a whole card, there are several shortcuts that can be used to accomplish this quickly including:

  • Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V
  • Select the object and then Ctrl+D
  • Press the Alt key and then click-and-drag it

Thanks. I’ll give that a try. The part I couldn’t see how to do was to lock down the shapes, headings, lablels, etc. so that participants couldn’t accidentally change them. But still allow the participants to add and edit text in the parts we want them to.

I made a card into a template, and it does make it easy to add more cards. But it doesn’t solve the problem of wanting to fix (‘lock’) the structure of the card or worksheet, but allow participants to add and edit content, and to move and arrange them.

Here’s an example of the kind of process and cards we want to have work well in Miro:

@John Waterworth  - Oops, I forgot to mention locking. You can use the lock feature - just select the objects you want to lock and use the lock icon:


The following is an example of how a Guest Editor can now edit the board and add content onto the locked objects, but not unlock them:

Adding a new sticky over locked objects:


But unable to unlock - the option is disabled/unavailable:


Thanks for sharing that. But I think locking only partly works.

It does stop participants accidentally breaking up the different parts of a card or worksheet.

But it also stops them adding or editing any text in the parts of the card or worksheet we want them to fill in.

And, at least for me, it stops them moving the objects around if we want participants to be able to group or otherwise arrange them.

@John Waterworth - Another option in boards is the Grouping feature that will allow you to group a number of objects together, so that they stay together when moved - to read more about Grouping and other useful information about managing board content, I’d recommend that you check out the Structuring Board Content help article.

The sky’s the limit in Miro as to how you could mimic your Event card. Another option could be to use your existing event card image and overlay some rectangles that your participants could type into. Here’s a quick example of how this could look:

At first I added the rectangles and used the Grouping feature to keep them in place, however, it became tricky to select one and get it into Edit mode so I could type in it. So, instead I created a frame around everything, so that it all moves when I click-and-drag the frame title. I will private message you with a link where you can try it out for yourself :relaxed:
