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Hello, does anyone know if it’s possible to make a comment “unread”?

I like the red notification that appears with the number of unread comments, but I’d like to be able to return it to it’s unread status so that the notification stays, a) so that it serves as a reminder to me to go back and respond, and b) so that the notification is there for other people. 

I suppose it’s possible (likely?) that the unread notification is for the individual user so even though I’ve read the comment if someone hasn’t they will still see the notification, but even if that is the case, I’d still like this feature for my first reason (a). 

I’ve search the Help Centre and Community but can’t find anything on this. 




@David Oppenheim -

Unfortunately this is not currently possible. There is a wish list idea for this which you can upvote here:


@David Oppenheim - There is an existing Wish List post that you may want to leave comments on/upvote: 

Thanks @Kiron Bondale and @Robert Johnson do you know if comment notification badges (red numbers) are individualized to the user? In other words, if I read a new comment, will it still appear as new and show a red notification badge for another user who hasn’t read that same comment?


@David Oppenheim - I just tested this using three of my Miro accounts (in three different browsers) by doing the following:

  1. I created a comment as user A (and did not @mention anyone in the comment)
  2. Opened the board as both user B and C and saw a red “1” on the comment.
  3. I closed the board for all users.
  4. I opened the board as user B and viewed the comment - the red “1” disappeared, then I closed the board.
  5. I opened the board as user C and could still see a red “1”.

So, it appears to be marked as read at the user level.
