Jira Cards can't fill assignee & reporter

  • 20 September 2022
  • 3 replies

I set up the Jira Cards as Miro & Jira Admin and it generally works. i.e. one can choose jira issues to add them as jira cards on a board etc. however if someone tries to convert a sticky note to a jira issue, the reporter and assignee fields cannot be filled. you can start typing but only 0 of 0 matches are shown. I checked the Jira FAQ and set the permissions on the reporter field in jira accordingly. also the same user can modify the fields when this user accesses or creates an issue on jira directly. the bizarre thing is, that someone who has the Jira Org Admin role can modify the assignee & reporter fields on Miro in Jira cards. so it nevertheless seems to have something to do with permissions that are not the same if a user accesses an issue within jira or via jira cards from miro…

who knows where to look in Jira or Miro to set the proper settings / permissions?

I already tried to uninstall and re-install / connect jira cards which didn’t help.

3 replies

Userlevel 3

Hey @Marc Labudde 👋
Thank you for the report!
We’ll need some additional details in order to investigate the issue further so I converted your post into a support ticket. We’ll reach out to you via email shortly. Please bear with us!

Hi there, is there an answer to this issue somewhere public? I’m having the same problem.

Hi @Ali Durrant,

Yes, setting the Jira persmission “browse users and groups” to all users, solved the issue. It’s now also in the Miro-Jira FAQ.


