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Is there a limit on the number of cards in a kanban board? No longer possible to create extra kanban cards.

  • 29 April 2021
  • 2 replies

After creating the board and collaborating on it, it was no longer possible to name cards. Occasionally it  worked, but 99% of the time I tried to add one no text could be filled in.

Cards could be added but text input was impossible. Cards could be opened in the detail view, it was possible to edit the title and description, but those could not be saved.


@Henk - I can find no specified limit to the number of Cards that be added to a Kanban in the Kanban Help Center article. 

Kan you create a cards outside of the Kanban and drag them in?

I will say there are a number of known issues with Cards/Kanban. At this time I would suggest:

  1. Adding your feedback/concerns to this post → rKNOWN BUG] Can't move/delete kanban card
  2. Open a card and use the feedback tool:


Hi Robert,

Thank you. I worked around it by moving the cards to a new kanban board. Until now everything works. I wished I tought about this while in the meeting with my colleagues (-:

There are some issues indeed … (-: When trying to remove/move the original board it refused … until ultimately it worked. 

It is a fantastic tool, when everything works. Can’t wait to try the jira integration. Looked cool on the demo.

I will send some feedback and add it to the known bug.

