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Is it possible to have separate invoices and billing for each Team in a Conslutant Plan?

  • 21 December 2020
  • 2 replies

Hi there,

We have 2 budgets that we work with and we want to have one Consultant Plan with 2 Teams on it, each billed from different accounts and we want it to have separate invoicing. Is that possible?

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2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

@amy hosotsuji - As a Consultant Plan account holder, when I look in my Miro control panel I don’t see where this is possible. I would expect that you would need to to sign up for two Team Plans. However, for a more office answer (regarding billing/technical issues or questions, features, etc.), please reach out to the Miro Customer Support team directly by creating a ticket via this special form.

You may also wish to review the Compare all Plans and Features Available help center article.

Userlevel 2

@amy hosotsuji - As a Consultant Plan account holder, when I look in my Miro control panel I don’t see where this is possible. I would expect that you would need to to sign up for two Team Plans. However, for a more office answer (regarding billing/technical issues or questions, features, etc.), please reach out to the Miro Customer Support team directly by creating a ticket via this special form.

You may also wish to review the Compare all Plans and Features Available help center article.

Thank you Robert. Appreciate the time you took to respond! I will follow these 2 links!