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Is it possible to create a spot the difference/ball style game?

  • 24 July 2024
  • 2 replies

I’m trying to work out if there is a way to create a game in Miro where users try to spot a hidden item in an image.

The idea is that I place a photograph on a board which contains a hard-to-find item. The users then study the photograph and mark where they think the item is. It’s a simple game. The easiest way to achieve this would be to allow the users to place a comment marker on the image in the specific location. However, as far as I know there is no way to hide comments from other users on the board. Which means as soon as someone correctly pinpoints the item the game is spoiled for everyone else.

The other method I considered was adding a grid of invisible shapes in front of the image and allowing people to vote by picking the shape covering the correct area. But votes are anonymous so there’s no way to tell who got the correct answer.

Does anyone have any other ideas how I could achieve this?


Hi @Palhil 

I am no expert in this, but you might have a look at this:

I could guess if you surround your image with a fine ruler at the top and at the side, then when the user spots the hidden object they can write the coordinates into the sticky note.

OK . . . I admit it would be nice to have something cooler . . . but that is just what comes to mind!

If the users have their own board in addition to your board, then they could take a screenshot of your image (or even copy it directly if they have rights), use their own board to locate the object, then paste this image back into your board at the end of the activity.

Good luck!

Thanks @Kenneth Ritley 

I had not spotted the private mode option. I had thought about using some sort of reference grid but still wasn’t sure how to hide people’s answers in the comments. I’ll give this a go. 🙂
