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Is it okay to use Miro in order to create a YouTube video?

  • 11 June 2024
  • 4 replies

Hi, new here!

Is it ok to use Miro to explain an idea let us say or a topic and then screen record your created Miro board with a voice over, for example, and then upload the educational video to YouTube?


Thank you.

@Said Saddouk - You ever run into any issues with this in your (awesome) theFacilitainer YouTube channel (that everyone should subscribe to)?

@Happy - I see this done all of the time and see no mention of this violating the Miro Terms of Service.

@Robert Johnson thank you for your answer. Does this include creating any educational video and not necessarily a video related to how to use Miro? 

That is, to use Miro to create a video (to be uploaded on YouTube) about a scientific discovery or explanatory videos about a certain topic, etc.

I copied the Terms of Service text from the above link into Google Gemini Advanced and asked it:
“Does this terms of service state anything about not being able to use Miro in YouTube videos?”

Here is what it said:

The Miro Terms of Service (ToS) dated July 19, 2021, does not explicitly prohibit the use of the Miro interface in YouTube videos. However, there are a few sections that could be relevant to this use case:

2.1 Permitted Use: This section states that the Service can be used for "internal business or personal purposes."  While creating a YouTube video could be considered a personal use, it might not fall under internal business purposes, especially if the video is monetized or used for promotional purposes.

4.1 Data Use:  This section grants Miro the right to use, copy, store, transmit, and display Customer Content. This could imply that Miro has the right to use any content created within the platform, including video recordings of the interface.

5.1 Generally: This section requires users to comply with Laws and have all necessary rights and permissions to use their content. If a YouTube video includes copyrighted material used within Miro without permission, it could violate this section.

It's important to note that these are interpretations of the ToS, and the specific terms may not directly address the use of Miro in YouTube videos. To be completely sure, it's always advisable to directly contact Miro for clarification on their policies regarding this specific use case.


@Miro Community Team - Are you able to provide an answer?

Hi @Happy -- chiming in from the social team at Miro, we’d love to see the content that you create using Miro! Feel free to tag us @MiroHQ when posting to social, or include a link back to our site in the description if you feel that will help your audience. 
