Insights Discovery Miro Boards

  • 2 March 2024
  • 1 reply

I am just wondering if any of you in the community are Insights Discovery practitioners?  I would love to connect with you and exchange on best practices and Miro boards that you have built for Insights Workshops that you deliver virtually? I just started my Miro account as a result of using it to develop a hybrid team charter for a client.  I then used it with a Team Effectiveness Workshop and a Leadership effectiveness workshop.  I built a few boards to replicate the in-room face to face activities that we would do in a workshop.  I would love to compare notes with other practitioners of the Insights system to compare notes.  Maybe there are others who are facilitating similar types of systems who might have example boards and approaches that you want to share too.  


I know that Insights Training and Learning use a Miro board for the accreditation.  I will also be connecting with someone internally for how they are bringing the normal in room/in person activities to life in the virtual world.  




1 reply

Hi Earl,

I am starting to dabble and would love to connect - so far I only have a few things developed for Insights Discovery, and would love to create more and get inspiration :)

Feel free to email me: natalie.bourdeau-legris @
