Improve Performance

  • 2 November 2020
  • 1 reply

Hi Miro Community 

My customer is complaining about board speed. The workshop is finished and now individuals are dipping into the board and discussing via sticky notes.

In the ‘Tips to improve board performance’ refers to ‘Heavy Documents’ … What is that? I’ve uploaded, and unpacked 10 PowerPoint presentations, used photographs, shapes and stickies and 10 frames. 

Would it be better if I used jpgs of the PowerPoint Slides instead of the original ppt? 

Looking forward to hearing your wisdom. 


1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Tom Venning -

Heavy documents likely refers to the actual size of a document as that will impact the loading time for the board. One option when importing PowerPoint documents which were saved as PDFs is to save them using the “Minimum size” option. 

