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I have been using Mindjet mind maps for year.  Now testing the Miro free version 

I can not find option to upload and use maps created by Mindjet.  Is there such option?  

@Zdravko Mauko :

There is no option to do so.

It is only possible to integrate the Mindmap as graphic jpg or as PDF file. 


Thank you.  This is big issue for me, having many maps in mmap format.  
  Then, I will not use Miro in the future 

@Zdravko Mauko :

One option:

Try ayoa

- In their former version iMindMap it was possible to open mmap format 

The board of ayoa is not as good as miro but if you can import mmap I would give it a try.

At this time I know no real Web-based-board tool (like miro) that brings all the flexibility and creativity options that pure MindMapping software does … except ayoa

But on the other hand I know no MindMapping programm that have the creativity and collaboration tools of a web-based-board …

so …

there is always a downside …


For MindMapping I use iMindMap wich is not available anymore and a competitor board (not miro anymore)



@Zdravko Mauko :

One option:

Try ayoa

- In their former version iMindMap it was possible to open mmap format 

The board of ayoa is not as good as miro but if you can import mmap I would give it a try.

At this time I know no real Web-based-board tool (like miro) that brings all the flexibility and creativity options that pure MindMapping software does … except ayoa

But on the other hand I know no MindMapping programm that have the creativity and collaboration tools of a web-based-board …

so …

there is always a downside …


For MindMapping I use iMindMap wich is not available anymore and a competitor board (not miro anymore)



I have tried Ayona, but unfortunately it can not import mmap files.  

@Zdravko Mauko Is ayoa able to open freemind files? 

Maybe it works with this workaround...
