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Hello everyone

Having read quite a few posts on ‘bring everyone to me’, I want to make sure I understand it correctly.

If I am in presenting mode, I would want everyone to focus on what I’m showing, hence will use ‘Bring everyone to me’.

However, as soon as a participant so much as click on the board they will stop following me, and will get lost in the presentation, and therefore the solution is to screen share (e.g. via Zoom) for the presentation, and then for them to go back to their boards?

If this is the case and unless I’m missing something, would it not make sense for a user to have to explicitly unfollow rather than unfollow by accidentally by clicking on the board?

@Bennie Naude - I believe the intent of the current Bring everyone to me feature was to give a session facilitator the ability to quickly pull everyone to where they were on the board rather than try to explain directions to everyone. As people use the feature, a number of additional feature requests have come in the form of Wish List Ideas. One of those ideas appears to be as you are describing: the ability to force the users to follow the facilitator/presenter with the follower having no controller to move/edit the board, e.g., like a screen share in Zoom. If you want to add your comments/vote, you read read the post here.

Additionally, if you don't think that ideas reflects what you are trying to accomplish, you can always add your own Idea in the Wish List category by following the guidelines here: Wish List: Everything You Need to Know. If you do create a Wish List Idea post, I would also recommend that you post a link to it back here, so that future readers of this post can quickly get to and vote for your Idea.

@Robert Johnson  Many thanks, much appreciated.  I realised after I posted this that participants can choose to follow me if they do get lost.
