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Dear all,

I am using a board with one table in it that is relatively small. The navigation toolbar shows a very large area and it is hard to navigate in it to the right spot in my small table. When I started the board, the area displayed in the toolbar was more or less the size of the table but now its a large area with the very small table in it. How can I change back to the navigation toolbar displaying only the table?

Thanks for your help!



@NikiNiki - I don’t use the mini map very often, but something does seem to have changed as I have to make object very large/zoom in quite far in order to make the object larger in the mini map - while that sounds obvious, I don’t recall needing to make my objects this large in the past as I usually create my boards while at 100% zoom.

I will open a Miro support ticket and report back here with what they tell me :slight_smile:

@NikiNiki -

Usually when I’ve seen this happen it means there is a single tiny object somewhere way off to the bottom or right of the table and that’s why the map is showing the way it does. You can try doing a select all to see if you can locate that object…


Good call, @Kiron Bondale! So, there was one object way off on its own in my test board, and on that one board, when I deleted that object and closed and opened the board again, all objects appeared larger in my mini map. But then on a few other boards where all objects are fairly close together, they are still very small in the mini map - the behaviour is inconsistent.

On a related note, if there is a way-off object that is locked, it won’t be included with a Select all/Ctrl/Cmd+A. Instead, using “Show all” with Ctrl/Cmd+1 (or right-click → Show all) will display the board will all objects in view.

Dear Robert, Dear Kiron,

thanks for your fixes.

There must have been some small objects far aways from the main table. Selecting a large area outside the table and deleting everything in there (although nothing was visible in the navigation tool) was successful. Now, only my table is displayed.

