How to add BOOMCARDS to my miro board?

  • 1 February 2022
  • 1 reply

Hello I am new to Miro board and I am trying to prepare a math lesson using BOOMCARDS ( interactive excersices ) but I can only get the link on the board not a preview, and the student is not able to work direclty on the miro board. 

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Veronica Valdes -

Unless Miro creates an integration for a third-party application, access to the app via a link is the only option. This is similar to how Miro handles Wordwall and other such exercise applications.

You could add a wish list item following the guidelines here for the Miro product team to consider creating a richer integration between the two products: Wish List: Everything You Need to Know 🌠 | Miro

