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Hello, i am a part time student and working at the same time. I would like to ask the following…

  1. can miro backup it’s board to icloud? if not where is it stored?
  2. how does miro differ from explain everything basics 
  3. is the data stored in the ipad ? if so what is the recommended size?
  4. i desire to use one white board to branch a live journal of events during the day - i tired everytime basics and it could not snap the content in place - it shifts a lot.
  5. if i am a student and i register a miro account , can i switch my school email to a personal one?
  6. can miro handle videos ; pdfs word and excel files in the whiteboard ? can i edit them directly ?
  7. can miro do voice recording like notability ?

@Dov -

  1. Miro data is stored on the servers in their data center, not iCloud. However, with paid accounts you can make local backups of your boards which you could then upload to any cloud storage provider.
  2. @Marina - does Miro marketing have any comparison cheat sheets about competitors such as Explain Everything?
  3. No, however if you make local backups of your boards then the board backups are stored locally
  4. Not sure what you mean by “branch” a live journal. In general, Miro doesn’t automatically shift content around with the exception of objects such as the mindmap which does so to maintain spacing between nodes
  5. Yes, you are able to change e-mail addresses associated with Miro accounts
  6. Videos can’t be directly uploaded but links to YouTube videos can be inserted. PDF, MS Word & Excel files can be imported in a view/browse-only mode - they can’t be edited within Miro itself
  7. No - you’d need to use a third-party tool to record what was happening on your Miro screen.


Thank you for your reply.


Can i ask what is the data storage granted for the boards?


If i am granted the education account ? can i combine it with my existing miro account when i created in the first place ? 

Also, since the student board has a lifespan of 2 years, can i ask what will happen once 2 years are up

@Dov -

Most of your additional questions are covered in the FAQ for the Education plan here:

As far as data storage goes, there’s no size limit stated for boards, however there is a limit on the number of objects which can be in a board and as board size increases, loading time will corresponding increase. Here’s the Help Center article on tips for improving board performance which contains some limit info:


Hi @Dov, as for your second question in the original post - we don’t have a formal collateral, but probably this G2 comparison can help -


@Kiron Bondale, thank you for the ping! 
