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We’ve just started using Miro at the company I work for in the last 3 months or so, and cannot find a way for our Project Manager to delete others’ boards / projects in our Miro account / team. Based on the documentation I’ve found on Miro’s site, it seems that Team Admins are not really admins at all, as only board owners are able to delete or backup their boards.

This makes sense from an ownership standpoint, however, it leaves our workspace cluttered with rogue / old boards. Our Team Admin shouldn’t have to remove the member from the Team entirely just to Administrate their boards, and manually reaching out to these team members occupies time in our work day because many team members are remote.

Questions for the Miro Team:

  • Can we get a more granular permission system so those with the Team Admin role can actually, you know, administrate the team / account?
  • Or is this only possible if we have Company Admins through an Enterprise level account?
  • Or will deleting & backing up boards forever be limited only to the board owner? (If so, we’re going to have to look for a replacement because that doesn’t work for us.)

@Marina - 

The ability to do basic “cleanup” on an account is not a differentiator which would convince a customer to switch to a higher tier plan. If anything, the lack of such cleanup capability would be a detractor. For the product management folks in the group, Kano would have called this a Basic Need :grinning: .

I’d strongly recommend making it a standard feature for ALL plans.


@Marina. I can’t agree more on that. Deleting boards should be a default feature for Team Admin regardless the Pricing Plan.

@Marina -

It would be great if this was also added to the Consultant plan as over time you can get a tremendous number of boards created by different clients and the ability to delete those would be helpful.


Hi there,

Yes, I hear you. I will forward your feedback to the relevant team.

Hi @Erik Wright, thanks for sharing your use case! You are right, for now, only board owners can delete their boards.

The good news - we are currently working on the functionality for Company Admins on the Enterprise Plan to be able to manage content within the organization. :wink:

Agree with @Kiron Bondale this needs to be in the Consultant plan too.  Desperately need the ability for Company Admin to be able to maintain and tidy up at the very least (ideally Team Admins too)


@Marina when is this coming?

Let’s all upvote this to end the madness

The fact that so called “admins” are having to apply a workaround simply to delete unwanted boards they do not own after well over 2 years of threads highlighting this issue is borderline ridiculous.

The work arounds appear to be, remove the user who owns the boards or projects you want to delete as an ADMIN cleaning up the workspace, then invite the removed user back to rejoin the team and transfer ownership of all of their wanted boards/projects/custom templates back to them. 

Simply mind blowing. 

@Miro Support Team As a TRUE workspace admin, we would like (read: NEED) the ability to reassign ownership of any board or project within our TEAM.

Thanks in advance for allowing this much needed functionality.


@Marina - 

I’d strongly recommend making it a standard feature for ALL plans.

Education too. The first thing a student does is make their own board, poke around and then abandon it. I have tried making and sharing sandbox boards just to reduce the clutter, but I agree this is a pretty core need for administration.

As a team admin, I also need this….too many empty and unused boards. As admins, we should be able to delete boards, projects...

Ridiculous that this basic feature is not available.  

To those still searching for a solution how to delete boards that are created randomly and then “block out” other boards to the view only function: You still can't delete a board if you are not the owner, but you can delete the member and their content from your team. (Boards > Team > Users > Select User > Delete User and content) This way those boards get erased and if needed you can re-invite the member to your team. 


To those still searching for a solution how to delete boards that are created randomly and then “block out” other boards to the view only function: You still can't delete a board if you are not the owner, but you can delete the member and their content from your team. (Boards > Team > Users > Select User > Delete User and content) This way those boards get erased and if needed you can re-invite the member to your team


Just keep in mind that if you deleted a user from a team so that you could delete one or more boards, but intend on adding the user back, you should then also transfer ownership of all of their wanted boards/projects/custom templates back to them.

Thanks, but we’re on the Business plan, so “Content Admin” doesn’t apply.
If you scroll down the Admin Roles page to Projects, there’s a lot of red X’s for stuff that’s just not possible.

@Colin McCroskey - If you are a Company Admin of an Enterprise Plan, you will want to review this article → Content Admin permissions for Company Admins


And here’s a further breakdown of all admin roles in Miro →

Trying to find a board in miro is impossible because of this missing functionality, admins or at least the coordinator of an enterprise account needs to be able to delete boards made by their team members.  2 years ago this was opened and the first message was that it was in the works, this seems like something that needed to be in from the start, you can remove entire team members but not remove individual boards.

Yeah, it also bugs me why Team Admin cannot delete boards within the team… Why escalate to corporate admin? Such an approach effectively leads to strengthening micromanagement practices, while I’d prefer teams to be able to manage their own work (and garbage) by themselves.

My team also needs this feature. As an admin, I’m trying to cleanup old/test boards that various people have created but I can’t. Instead I have to ping everyone who still works here and ask them to delete their individual boards, which no one does, and it remains messy.

I’m just finding out Company Admins do not have admin permissions to manage company data.

As a Company Admin, I cannot adjust users on a Project where I’m not the Owner, nor can I add myself to the Project as an Owner. I need to ask whoever the Owner is to add me as a Co-Owner, before I can do anything with the Project.

This isn’t how “admin” works on other software we use...

Why can’t Company Admins have control over their company’s data?

Dear Miro team


I don’t really understand how you expect me to proceed. The person who created the board is no longer working in the company. How am I expected to delete their boards?


When might we see the functionality of the owner being able to delete member boards? This is especially problematic on the Education plan. I can’t tell you how many random boards I have created by students that I have no ability to delete. It’s causing complications with introducing students to Miro because they can’t find boards. Please—when will this feature be available?

When might we see the functionality of the owner being able to delete member boards? This is especially problematic on the Education plan. I can’t tell you how many random boards I have created by students that I have no ability to delete. It’s causing complications with introducing students to Miro because they can’t find boards. Please—when will this feature be available?

@Leigh Hughes - Until this is possible, the change you cold make moving forward is to your team space’s Default Sharing settings (for both boards and projects), so that only the creator can see them. E.g., with the default board sharing set to “Only board owners can access”, if a student creates 1,000 boards called “Untitled”, no one will see them until the owner chooses to make them visible to everyone else.

The Default sharing settings is not currently very helpful, so I would suggest that you have a look at this post instead:

Here is a key screenshot from that post:


@Leigh Hughes - I found the screenshots I was looking for in the How to make a Miro board private article:

@Christophe Meray - Depending on the number of Team Members and how new they are/how many boards they have created, you could delete and re-add them to the team. During this process, you could chose to become the owner of their boards, delete what you don’t want, and then make the owner of any boards that they did want to keep.

I completely understand if you don’t want to go through with all of that. Moving forward, I would suggest that you make a change in your Team profile → Permissions → Board/Project default Sharing settings so that every new board or Project created in only visible/accessible by the team member who creates it, i.e., everything remains private. Then,  once created, the team member would choose who they wanted to have access to the board or Project.

You can find these settings by:

  1. using the Team profile settings button:
  2. Selecting Permissions and scrolling down to Sharing settings → Board and Project:



This is ridiculous. I am the team admin and many people created untitled boards that I would like to cleanup. Now I need to contact them 1 by 1 for them to delete or give me access. Too much friction! Result: I leave the clutter as it is. Very frustrating!

I was just added as Team Admin and have the same issue.

Please advise how a team admin can delete a board created by an employee no longer with the company.

Thank you.
