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How do I lock my board to allow users to place stickies but not move other pieces around?

Even though it is a Long Press to unlock, folks still seem to unlock it. Miro needs to have permissions so that the only person who can unlock the background is the board owner.

This is a constant issue for me. 

@Tracy Dumpert - I agree! I will see what I can do about getting this added as a feature…

It’s your lucky day as I was able to whip this up over lunch and implement it for all paid plans :wink:

It is called Protected Lock. You can read about it here →

Here it is in action:


The Protected Lock feature is great. Thanks!

@Wendy Quenzer -

Why not lock all the other objects in the area on the board where you’d want the collaborators to add stickies?

That’s what I tend to do for most of my class exercises - the frame, the instructions and the title of the exercise are all locked, and then only the stickies are left unlocked for learners to edit.


@Mike Prill - I am able to vote for both locked and protected locked objects. If this isn’t working for you, I would suggest that you open a Miro support ticket:

Thanks @Robert Johnson - I can vote for locked items or unlocked items but it doesn’t let me multiselect both at the same time. I will open a ticket, cheers!

@Kiron Bondale Thank you for your response. I believe I am, however, the pieces are still able to move around. Perhaps this is because of the roles assigned to the users? We have everyone assigned as “editors” currently. Any idea if that should be changed? We still want the participants to be able to create stickies but not make adjustments to the board.


@Kim Denton -

I’ve never experienced that sort of behavior - ghosts in the Miro 🙂 ?

If you can reproduce it reliably, I’d suggest a Miro support ticket would be in order...


@Robert Johnson I noticed that locked items don’t seem to be voteable which for me defeats the purpose, am I just doing something wrong?

@Mike Prill - That is exactly the behviour I noticed when doing my test. I had to locked sticky notes and Shift+drag never multi-selects any locked objects, and when I select one locked objects, using Ctrl+click won’t select additional locked objects. Definitely a gap there.

I’d like to add to this request.  I run courses using Miro.  I lock down all the frames, but attendees can still move the view of the board around and zoom in and out, which causes a lot of confusion. My attendees give Miro lukewarm feedback in the course reviews because of this.

@Wendy Quenzer -

Even if everyone interacting is an editor, the only way they could move a locked object around is if they manually unlock it. Because there is a roughly 2 second waiting period after they first click on the object and then click on the unlock action (see below), there’s no way someone could do this accidentally.

As such, if folks are consciously unlocking locked objects, “reinforcement” to not do so might be the only option right now :joy:

Having more options regarding access control for roles (e.g. add stickies but don’t edit anything else) or providing the ability to specify the access control for a specific access level more granularly than the current view/comment/edit options might be a worthwhile enhancement to log if you felt like adding a wish list post for it so other community members to vote on it.


Thank you @Kiron Bondale , I appreciate your help. 

@Kiron Bondale Have you found that items you lock are then unlocked, when you revisit your board (an no guest editors have been invited)? I do! I’m constantly checking items, finding random ones unlocked, and locking them again. What am I doing wrong?

Hi all, I am very new to using Miro but I am creating my own canvas to remote meetings with customers. My question is the following: How can I avoid that my customers only using sticky notes and they can’t move or eliminate anything over the canvas?? is it possible? or if exist any role where my customers have access to use only sticky notes?.

I appreciate your comments or ideas.

@Carlos Toso -

There was a pretty similar question a couple of days back. Right now, if someone has the access to create sticky notes they can also create other shapes on boards. The commentator access only allows someone to view boards and add comments so that wouldn’t meet your needs.

You may wish to add a wish list topic for this so other community members can vote for it.

In the interim, I’d recommend locking everything down which you don’t want participants to edit.

