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Google Drive

  • 11 June 2024
  • 3 replies

I am the owner of the MIRO blackboard at the Science and Technology Museum in Milan.

Until some time ago I was able to upload files from my Google Drive ( without problems, but now I can't do it anymore: when I try, the error message “403. That's an error.

We're sorry, but you do not have access to this page. That's all we know."

I tried to follow the instructions of the Help Center step by step (, but without appreciable results :-(

Best regards



@enricodamuseo - In the past, I had to reconnect my Google/Drive account to get past a similar error. Perhaps these steps will help you:

I thought about it, but I can't uninstall the Google Drive app

Skipping the uninstall part, in the instructions in the screenshot, you should have a "Logout" link in place of the Connect button.  Try logging out and then connecting again.

