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I am invited to a team, Enterprise plan, where on the team user list I show up as “Free Restricted”.

There is one (1) board in the team which I can fully edit, and two others where I only have view/comment rights.


I thought that any editing always requires a Full license? (except public link sharing of course) What exactly could be happening here? 😃

@Kimmo J Kyle - You could have been added to the editable board as a Guest.

Nope, this wasn’t the case. Double checked with the inviter using screenshare, that the Beta feature wasn’t even available in that Team / Permissions.

When trying to add me as a Guest to the other board - with Edit rights, Miro gives an expected error stating I need a full license to be invited.

@Kimmo J Kyle - Does that one board have public/visitor/Anyone with the link access set to Can edit?

Other articles to review could be:

The one board that I can edit as a Free Restricted, has “public/visitor/Anyone with the link access set to Can edit

The other board that I cannot edit as a Free Restricted, has “Anyone with the link” disabled.


Good catch, I couldn’t imagine that “Anyone with the link” feature would affect a “logged-in” user’s rights. Or is that what you implied?

@Kimmo J Kyle 

Good catch, I couldn’t imagine that “Anyone with the link” feature would affect a “logged-in” user’s rights. Or is that what you implied?

The Visitors feature is designed to allow both signed and non-registered users, so it is functioning as intended.

One neat thing you can do with the Visitors feature in a paid account, e.g., a Team Plan, when you want someone outside of the team to access a board, but you don’t have the Guests feature, and you do not want anyone else on the team to have access to the board is to:

  1. Set the board’s Share → Team access to the board to “No access” - this will hide the board from everyone else’s Dashboard
  2. Set the Anyone with the link/Visitors access to Can Edit/Comment/View
  3. and add a password to the board.

Now, even if someone on your team obtains the board’s link, if they do not have the password, they cannot access it.

Yep, that was it, the Visitors feature. Explained more as a sidenote here and here. Look for:

“If you allow anyone with the link to edit, the option to edit will be available for every user on the board (including all previously added viewers and commenters).”

“If a board is shared publicly with edit access (Anyone with the link can edit), every user on the board can change its content”


Improvement 💡: I would imagine it would have been more clear to me from the start, if the ❓-symbol tooltip would have had a mention of this. Now it literally only talks about “anyone with the link and password”

Downside is that you need to enable the “Anyone with the link” feature in order to be able to edit a board as a Visitor or someone with a Free Restricted license - even if you don’t intend to send the link + password to anyone. If you’re really careful about security, it could even be disabled company-wide.

