First letter typed placed to right of cursor

  • 16 February 2022
  • 3 replies

I have an issue similar to

This happens when I select (eg) a post-it and start typing before the cursor is visible. 

If I click on the text so the cursor appears and then start typing, the issue does not occur.

I’m using Chrome on an HP Chromebook, UK Keyboard layout. I’ve never had this issue on any other app.

If I connect to a Windows VM from my Chromebook the issue also occurs in Chrome. It does not occur when using Edge on my VM, but this is obviously not an option direct from my Chromebook.

Is there a work around?


3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

@Harry Robertson -

I’ve tried to reproduce this on my Windows 10 laptop with Google Chrome and am unable to do so. It might be something specific to the Chromebook access - are you able to post a Loom (or similar) video of the behavior?

If it is consistently reproducible, you could open a Miro support request here, and provide them with the video link so they can see the behavior: Submit a request – Miro Support & Help Center


Hi Kiron,


Thanks for the response - I have taken a video (below) as requested.


This issue is consistently repeatable so I will also open a support ticket.




@Harry Robertson Hey! Some of my students are experiencing the same issue. Have you received any updates? I’d appreciate your help.
