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I am a product designer, and we have been using Miro to present and review users journeys with various members of the team, from product owners and copywriters to devs. 

Until recently, we didn’t have any issues exporting Sketch files to Miro, but for a little while now, it’s become virtually impossible to export anything, due to the maximum 8192x4096 pixels/30mb file size. Most of our journeys are long and complex, so the artboards are larger than this almost every time, which means that what use to take 20 seconds now requires so much toing and froing, it’s hardly worth the effort. 

Is there a way round this? Or are there any suggestions on what to do? I have tried exporting large artboards as SVG, but this sadly distorts the elements on the artboard, so is not really an option. 

Hi @Bruno Lasnier,

Thanks for asking your question!

I’ve spoken with our Tech Team. I'm afraid the team doesn't have immediate plans increase the limits as we're currently aiming at the development of some other functionality mainly connected with collaboration

As for a workaround, I am not an experienced user of Sketch, so, unfortunately cannot recommend you anything else except SVG which you’ve already tried. My only assumption would be - to split your files until every part is less than 8192x4096 pixels/30mb file size, export to Miro and them connect them on Miro.

Sorry for not being of much help here - please let us know if there’s anything else we could assist you with!


Thank you for your reply Nikita. Sadly, splitting journeys wouldn’t make sense. This is something that worked absolutely fine until recently, but Miro is becoming unusable of this now, and it’s a real shame. I guess I'll have to do painful exports until we find another solution. 

Thanks anyway. 
